Dunklandervon Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil


Dunklandervon or the Dark lands of Gontal, is the official name for the land of the Gontal, being a geographical location.   This land was comproised of many lands, most turned to desolate after dark magic and the presence of evil creatures.   This is a place of darkness (atleast as told by many people), where hope and happiness are in short supply. It is a place where the strong preyed on the weak and the only law is that of the Dark Lord. It is a land that seems doomed, with no chance of salvation.


The land itself is just as dangerous as its ruler. The forests are filled with giant spiders and other deadly creatures, while the ash-covered plains are home to bands of savage orcs and trolls. In many places, the rivers and lakes are poisoned, making it impossible for any form of life to survive.
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