Borlarmjuvar Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil


Borlarmjuvar which is short for vur borla oz vur mjuva and in common Bearer and Giver, is the King of Khazad-Ram.   His name derives from the main function of the king that mostly give and take during the Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm, alsk known as the Council of the Stone Lords, in order to achieve and commit his duties as the king and the highest ranking commander of the Dwarvish army.   While actually participating in the council of the Stone Lords, he only has one vote and in the occasion of a tie, he is considered a tie breaker.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Once a coronation, a special stone, curved from deep within the mountains, usually through the employment of various adventurers that take enromous risks to obtain special jewels and gems, that are crafted by the Bloth Hrouvnor Clan, imbuing them with special leadership abilities, which mostly are contributing to the senses of the lands. Some say that these runes were specifically crafted in order for a dwarven paladin king, so he can lead the dwarves in turmoil without deceit.
Form of Address
High King of the Mountains
Source of Authority
By the Zana betag
Length of Term
Until death or dismissal by the Zana betag
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