Zana betag Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Zana betag

Zana betag, also known as the Stone Speaker, is an oracle, ordained by the Morndinsamman itself. It is a vital role, that originiated right The Cleft in the Mountains.   This role is the ultimate role, as seen by the dwarves as they are the only ones who can nominate a king or a queen, and even dismiss of one.


The appointment of the Stone Speaker, is only ordained by the gods for a specific purpose. Annoiting the future king of Khazad-Ram and dismissing of one.   The appointment of a stone speaker is usually set in every temple in a singular dream of every priest of the Morndinsamman, however, they are records of events that include avatars that announce that a new stonebreaker is issued.


Each Stone speaker can only do those each of the following tasks once in his life: Annoiting the king/queen of   However, the dwarves are grudingly accepting the role of the Stone Speaker, they hold immense respect for him on many other issues, such as nomination of the 3 members seats for the Zana jro Clan.


The position of Zana betag, was ordained by the Gods of the Dwarves in 1,933 BB, when the gods sent their avatars in a meeting infornt of the masses in order to nominate the First Stone Speaker, that will convey the will of the gods in order to keep law and order.
Source of Authority
Length of Term
Until retirement or until anointing a new king of
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