Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm

The Council of the Stone Lords, or otherwise known in Dwarvish as Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm, is the primary legislative gverning body of Khazad-Ram composed by the ruling class in Khazad-Ram.   Each Great clan of Khazad-Ram has 10 seats, with the exception of the Zana jro Clan, which has 3 seats. Those who are thanes of the clan, have the ability to nominate an ambassador of their own choosing (preferably from within the Great Clan), except for the Zana jro Clan, which are decided by the Zana betag.   In case of a tie, the Borlarmjuvar of Khazad-Ram breaks it.
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