Brandobaris' Gallery

Brandobaris' Gallery, is perhaps the largest and only organized temple of Brandobaris in all of Theras.   The building itself is extravegent in terms to other Halfling buildings and is quite a huge complex.

Purpose / Function

The gallery serves many purposes, as it is buried under a mound and functions as a casino and a gathering points for worshippers and interested parties alike in Frithfrod.


The Casino has many areas, each acting as a different theme for the guests who often 'role-play'. One Guest may enjoy a Bafigronian room, where all participants are acting as Bafironians and enjoy the theme life as on. One guest may enjoy becoming a Neo-Ordosi in a second room and so on.


The best known trick of the temple is its' ability to cause all creatures, even large one to become Halfling sized with one room where the exception is that halflings turn bigger and doubling their sizes.
Founding Date
1,031 AB
Parent Location


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