Brandobaris Character in Theras | World Anvil

Brandobaris (bran-doe-bair-iss)

Brandobaris is the god of thievery, stealth of the halflings and really is the considered to be embodiment of the conception of Halflings among the other races.   Portrayed as a perpetually interfering, curious trickster with a short attention span, Brandobaris is as intrigued by the contents of a person's wallet as he is by their character. Despite his penchant for mischief, he rarely makes enemies; his charm, wit, good looks, and quick thinking often rescue him from the rare misadventures that don't go as planned.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Known as the Church of Misadventures, Brandobaris's faith attracts adventurous troublemakers who often profit from their dangerous escapades. While halfling communities, especially children, enjoy tales of these exploits, they prefer such events to happen far from their homes, with many strongheart communities actively discouraging his worship. The Stout Halflings see Brandobaris and his followers as a corruption of civilized values.   The clerics themslves, known as Hands of Misadventure, pursue risky adventures valuing the stories they create over material gains and often indulge in cons or theft for the thrill rather than the profit. The church has no physical temples; its services are conducted through storytelling sessions about Brandobaris’s exploits. Additionally, clerics pray for spells at consistent times daily, and during new moon nights, they perform a ritual called Brandobaris's Tithe by hiding stolen items, with many clerics also multiclassing as rogues. Hands of Misadventure pick one time of day or night to consistently pray for spells (those who prefer public displays of bravado usually choose to pray during the day, with the sneakier, more subtle Hands electing to pray under the light of the moon). The Hands have few formal ceremonies, but on the night of a new moon, followers are expected to hide one or more stolen items from the previous month's take in the best hiding place they can find, a ritual known as Brandobaris's Tithe. As might be expected, multiclassing as rogues is enormously popular among the clergy.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Members of Brandobaris's clergy are adventurous individuals who actively pursue lives filled with excitement and peril, employing skills taught by the Master of Stealth and his seasoned apprentices. Many Hands of Misadventure are consumed by wanderlust, eager to explore the vastness of the world. While Brandobaris's priests engage in daring thefts and smooth cons, they are thrill-seekers rather than mere bandits, driven by the thrill of acquisition rather than hoarding wealth. Often, they contribute to their communities by spending generously at halfling-owned establishments with their newly acquired riches. Those unable to adventure support the faith by managing safehouses and spreading tales of glory among the sedentary halfling majority.  

Priestly Vestments

Given the informal nature of the church of Brandobaris, priests typically don regular adventuring attire as their ceremonial garb. This commonly comprises leather armor, a modestly shaded cloak, and occasionally, a whimsical feathered cap. The sacred symbol of the faith is a personally blessed, pilfered object of significant worth, often a gold or platinum coin, or a precious gemstone.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace adventure and embrace risk, for they add flavor to existence, while stealth and subtlety are the means to navigate the journey.
  • Pursue excitement and peril in every step you take, for it is through taking risks that one attains life's most valuable rewards.
  • Covet the thrill over material wealth, recognizing that greed blinds one to the true essence of the adventure.
  • Value the wildest tale above all else, as it is the ultimate prize of the experience.
  • Master the art of storytelling, for sometimes a well-spun yarn is the key to escaping adversity.


Trickerster's Tithe
As one might expect, followers of Brandobaris engage in minimal formalities when honoring the Master of Stealth. On each Sehanine, regardless of their location, followers of Brandobaris are obliged to conceal one or more pilfered items from the previous month's spoils in the most secure hiding spot they can find, observing a ritual known as the Trickster's Tithe. If Brandobaris deems the offering satisfactory (based less on its value and more on the risk involved in obtaining it), it mysteriously disappears from its hiding place by morning, and the worshiper receives the Trickster's favor for the ensuing month.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Brandobaris's legendary luck, possibly bolstered by a rumored romance with Avandra, is central to numerous daring tales exchanged among halflings like treasured stories at crossroads throughout Theras.   These stories often feature Brandobaris outwitting dragons, eluding infernal forces with treasure in tow, and even stealthily entering Falazure's domain to liberate the souls of ten thousand innocents, leaving behind nothing but a vase of flowers and a box of suggestively shaped chocolates. Naturally, Lightfoot Halflings are his biggest admirers.   Originally just a small halfling, Brandobaris is the only member of the Halfling Pantheon to ascend to godhood. His divine status was earned after embarking on a perilous quest with his adventuring companions to dispose of a malevolent artifact, thwarting the early ascent of the Ameros power alongside the burgeoning The Bafigron Empire. This bold mission halted Ameros's plans for conquest.

Personality Characteristics


Brandobaris reigns as the patron of both adventure and misadventure, beloved by halfling adventurers. His wild escapades are legendary, and the numbers of tales celebrating them are nearly inexhaustible. His devotees typically consist of thieves and fighter/thieves. Those who ardently follow him are often the ones who embrace the most risks in their quests, and Brandobaris views these daring individuals almost like favored apprentices.   Brandobaris is always equipped with a quip or a drink, and his congenial, mischievous nature makes it difficult for him to make enemies. He is impeccably dressed, always ready with a witty response, and possesses a risqué sense of humor that pays little mind to decorum. His escapades often aim to acquire items for his comfort, though they don’t always turn out as expected, teaching the lesson that rushing into danger unprepared is seldom wise. Despite this, Brandobaris remains a charming rogue with a penchant for trickery, deceiving foes into underestimating him before he outsmarts them and vanishes with their treasures.   In every dire situation he encounters, Brandobaris invariably finds a way out, often turning a profit from the ordeal. Known as the Master of Stealth, he is perpetually on the lookout for a new challenge or risk, sometimes recruiting skilled Halfling thieves to join him. However, non-devotees who partake in his adventures might find themselves short of a few possessions by the journey’s end. Brandobaris reveals his true identity only post-adventure and only to his followers, making his exploits not only perilous but also potentially lucrative for those who are swift, smart, and stealthy.


Contacts & Relations

Brandobaris has a beneficial relationship with Avandra, enhancing his renowned luck, and generally gets along with his pantheon peers. However, his mischievous nature often annoys more serious gods like Heimdall, and he is part of a group of trickster gods that includes Garl Glittergold, Erevan Ilesere, and Avandra.   Brandobaris avoids serious conflict, using his charm and wit to escape trouble, and while he respects Masech for his prowess, their relationship is strained by Masech's cruelty. His antics have specifically made him an enemy of Baisha, and he disdains Abbathor for his single-minded pursuit of Gold.   While Brandobaris can exasperate some deities like Heimdall, She'eros, and occasionally Arvoreen with his antics, he is generally well-received by those who enjoy a bit of humor. He is especially close to Baervan Wildwanderer, Erevan Ilesere, Garl Glittergold, and Vergadain, sharing numerous adventures with them, and maintains a competitive yet strained rapport with Mask due to his cruel tendencies.
The Irrepressible Scam;
Master of Mischief and Stealth;
The Friendly Rapscallion;
Guardian of Glee;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power and Aspect of Masech
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Stealth, Thievery, Adventuring, Halfling Rogues
Halfling, Liberation, Luck (Fate, Gamling, Imagination), Travel, Trickery
Halfling's footprint
Halflings, bards, rogues, adventurers, risk takers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Escape (dagger)

Worshipper Relations

Brandobaris is typically revered by lightfoot halflings who share his inquisitive nature, with his tales cherished by children raised on accounts of his adventures. However, strongheart halfling communities frequently dissuade his worship due to its perceived connection with a disorderly existence and criminal activity.  


There is a secret order of Halflings, who specialize as spies of the country of Frithfrod.


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