Dagr-Iliti Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil


The Dagr-Iliti, also known as the War Dancer in Or Quesir, is an elite force of female Or-Quessiri in The Eryndorian Corps, feared by all for their meticoulous training.   Traveling in tightly-knit troupes, the Wardancers traverse obscure paths and secret routes known to few others and considered too wild and unpredictable by Wood Elves, a perception not without reason.   Leading the Elves in music and merriment, the Wardancers play a pivotal role in performing intricate dance rituals that serve as living enactments of the history of The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor. This form of storytelling holds greater significance to the Or-Quessiri than conventional writing.   As sublime warriors, the Wardancers enhance their lethality through their war dances, deeply connected to the favored rituals of The Seldarine. In the midst of battle, no specific commands are issued; instead, the dancers instinctively execute lethal movements, harmonizing with the rest of the troupe's dance performance. Each Wardancer gracefully maneuvers through the enemy ranks to a melody only they can hear, eluding clumsy blows and delivering swift, precise strikes that swiftly end their foes' lives.  

Special Dances

  • Wardancer Trance
    When engaged in their war dances, Wardancers enter a state of heightened awareness, where time seems to slow down, allowing them to perceive their surroundings with unparalleled clarity and react with unmatched speed.
  • Moonlit Rites
    The Wardancers' most sacred and powerful performances occur under the light of the full moon. During these moonlit rites, their movements and strikes are said to be imbued with divine blessings, making them even more lethal. Some say that Sehanine Moonbow herself guides their movement and makes them untouchables.
  • The Dance of Harmony
    Some Wardancer troupes have mastered a special dance known as The Dance of Harmony. In this mesmerizing display, the Wardancers and other members of the troupe perform coordinated movements, seemingly moving as one entity, creating a hypnotic effect that can pacify foes or inspire allies.
  • Rhythmic Enchantment
    The Wardancers' movements and music during their war dances have a subtle enchanting effect on those who witness them, making it challenging for enemies to resist their spellbinding allure, even as they engage in fierce combat.



Becoming a wardancer is a challenging and rigorous path, demanding unwavering dedication and discipline over many years. Mastery is achieved through the seamless fusion of dance and combat, creating a lethal and graceful art. Wardancers hone their skills in a distinctive dance form that harmonizes martial prowess with dancing finesse. Their mesmerizing dance becomes an extension of themselves and in essence, their fighting style; thus, allowing them to evade attacks fluidly and deliver precise, deadly counterstrikes.



Aspiring Wardancers must undergo a rite of passage known as The Dance of the Sylvan Ancestors. During this ritual, they dance through a series of symbolic movements representing the deeds of their ancestors and the history of their kingdom. Successfully completing the dance signifies their readiness to join the esteemed ranks of the Wardancers.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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