Gurth-Iliti Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil


The Gurth-Iliti, also known as the Death Dancers in Or Quesir, is an elite force of the Silvendal in The Eryndorian Corps, feared by the Elves' enemies as their mere mention of their names, strike fear into the deadliest of foes.   The Gurth-Iliti, are a combination of War-Dancing, as known in many cultures, Sword Dancing, while rumors speak of Bladesinging that is also employed in their craft.   The Gurth-Ilit, are the executioners. Through their magic songs, enthraliing dances and sharpend enhcanted blades, they show trespassers and enemies of the kingdom, that they cannot run, nor hide, from the death that was bestowed upon them, as surely as fate decides.  

Additional Activities and Rumors

  1. The Gurth-Iliti perform their war-dances during important royal ceremonies, infusing the events with both grace and intimidation, reminding everyone of the kingdom's strength and determination.
  2. As executioners, the Gurth-Iliti wield their enchanted blades with precision and mastery, becoming instruments of justice and retribution against those who threaten the kingdom's peace - Such that Legends tell of a secret Gurth-Iliti society known as "The Whispering Shadows", whose members use their deadly dance techniques to swiftly eliminate high-profile targets without leaving a trace. or another group of Gurth-Iliti known as "The Silent Reapers" operates covertly in the shadows, taking down threats to the kingdom without ever being seen or heard, leaving their enemies bewildered and terrified.
  3. The Gurth-Iliti have mastered the art of blending combat with entertainment, putting on stunning performances that captivate audiences while subtly instilling a sense of caution and respect for the kingdom's power - though these dances are seldom performed
  4. The enchanted blades of the Gurth-Iliti are said to be forged with rare materials infused with the essence of fallen enemies, granting them a supernatural ability to pierce through even the strongest magical defenses.
  5. Both the Or-Quessiri and Silvendal rulers entrust the Gurth-Iliti with safeguarding ancient relics and artifacts of great power, as their unique combination of magic and combat expertise makes them unparalleled protectors.
  6. In times of war, the Gurth-Iliti lead elite warrior units, employing their dance-inspired combat tactics to outmaneuver and overwhelm enemy forces, turning the tide of battle in the kingdom's favor.
  7. A rare few among the Gurth-Iliti are known as Gurth-Flos, masters of deadly stealth and assassination, capable of infiltrating heavily fortified locations and eliminating key adversaries with ease - The group is special since it also employs male inside the formation.
  8. The Dances of the Gurth, both in battle and not, can instill fear in the most bravest of souls and sometimes kill outright.



The journey to become a Death-Dancer is arduous and demanding, requiring unwavering dedication and discipline for tens of years. Mastery is attained by skillfully intertwining dance and combat, resulting in a lethal and graceful art. Death-Dancers train in a unique dance form that blends martial prowess with finesse, making their mesmerizing movements an extension of their fighting style. This enables them to evade attacks fluidly while delivering precise and deadly counterstrikes same as the Dagr-Iliti.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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