Schattenarmee Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Schattenarmee, also known as The Shadow Legion is an elite legion that serves the Dark Lord of Gontal.


The legion is an elite legion comprised of fifteen Scherbe, while few in battle but terrifying even to look at, let alone fight against. The scherbe can all operate independetly, though are also well trained in fighting as a single cohesive unit.


Originally, the legion was comprised from the House of Nihilus, a great kingdom that had independence from Arasil after breaking many of the laws.   Those who dared to oppose the Dark Lord were quickly silenced, either through execution or by being conscripted into the Shadow Legion. The people of Gontal live in a state of constant oppression and despair, with no hope of escape or salvation.   These humans were twisted by dark magic to suit the Dark Lord needs and over the year, this organisation employed many other creatures to bolster its forces.

We Rule, We Conquer

Founding Date
1015 AB
Military, Army Regiment
Alternative Names
Shadow Legion
Predecessor Organization
Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members


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