Berronar Truesilver Character in Theras | World Anvil

Berronar Truesilver (bair-oh-nahr troo-sill-vur)

Berronar Truesilver is the revered as the matriarch of the Dwarven Pantheon and stands as the perfect complement to her husband, Moradin. Her unwavering calmness and expertise in negotiation act as a balm, soothing the occasionally fractious dwarven deities and keeping the Morndinsamman unified. According to dwarven traditionalists, Berronar's calming presence has been instrumental in the survival of both the pantheon and the dwarven race itself, particularly during a long period of gradual decline.   She is attributed with the creation of the Anvil's Orchestra.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of the faith is a pair of large, interlocking silver rings worn on a steel or silver chain necklace. These rings represent the enduring bonds of family and community, central tenets of Berronar's teachings.  

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Berronar’s clerics, known as Faenor serve as the backbone of dwarven society. These guardians and protectors of clans meticulously maintain records of lore, traditions, and family histories. Through teaching and healing, they strive to ensure the good health and moral character of all dwarves. Serving as the moral compass, they can be quite conservative, intolerant of recklessness in youth or radical ideas that may threaten dwarven stability. The recent surge of twins from the Thunder Blessing has certainly tested their patience.   The Faenor operate within a rigidly structured hierarchy. Every cleric understands their place within the church, with each clan's temple mirroring the layout of others. This uniformity offers a sense of familiarity for visiting dwarves, who know exactly where to find what they need. Think of the church as a well-run household overseen by a strict but loving mother figure.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Beyond their religious duties, the Faenor play a vital role in dwarven communities. Their meticulous planning and execution of wedding ceremonies are legendary, attracting even non-dwarves seeking a flawless bonding ritual. This reflects Berronar's focus on strengthening families and social bonds.  


The Faenor begin each day with prayers offered at dawn, seeking Berronar's blessings upon their work. The Faenor offer their prayers in a unique way: They kneel, close their eyes, and visualize the benevolent image of the "Mother Goddess". Prayers begin and end by invoking her name, followed by whispered supplications for guidance, healing, or blessings. Berronar's response often manifests as an intuitive feeling or sudden clarity that guides the priest's actions   Grand celebrations erupt during the hoildays, but smaller observances are also held throughout the year within larger temples. These monthly gatherings allow dwarves to reaffirm their faith, share stories, and strengthen their sense of community under the watchful eye of the Mother Goddess.  
Healing Touch
If a dwarf desperately needs healing, a special unison ritual is performed. The entire clergy lays hands upon the afflicted individual, channeling Berronar's power. While healing is not guaranteed, the gathered priests offer a comforting gesture by absorbing the pain themselves, providing temporary relief for 4-5 days. Miraculous healing, known as "Berronar's Touch", is a testament to the goddess's direct intervention. This divine blessing has been known to cure a wide range of ailments, including blindness, madness, lycanthropy, and even the ravages of poisons and curses.  
Sacred Rings
For the devoted dwarves, betrothal and marriage are sacred bonds blessed by Berronar. Couples exchange specially crafted rings, symbolizing deep trust and love. These rings are typically forged from silver, mirroring the goddess's holy symbol. Dwarven smiths imbue them with an "everbright" enchantment, ensuring they never tarnish. Before the blessing ceremony, Berronar's priests consecrate the rings. If either partner harbors deceit within their heart, the goddess's power will cause one or both rings to crumble – a stark reminder of the importance of honesty and commitment in Berronar's eyes.  

Priestly Vestments

Members of Berronar's clergy wear distinctive ceremonial garb. Flowing white robes, symbolizing purity, are covered by a silver cloth tabard, representing Berronar's unwavering commitment to dwarven security. These priests remain bareheaded, signifying their humility and direct connection to the divine.   Many Faenor, both sisters and brothers, add twin silver rings to their everyday vestments, worn on their ring fingers as a constant reminder of their devotion.   When venturing beyond the safety of dwarven strongholds, Faenor clerics favor practical attire. Silver chainmail provides them with necessary protection, while silvered helms offer additional defense in combat situations. However, their faith emphasizes peace and the preservation of life. Many priests, particularly those devoted to the "Mother Goddess" aspect of Berronar, are hesitant to shed blood or escalate violence. Therefore, they often equip themselves with blunt weapons such as maces, flails, and war hammers, capable of disarming opponents without resorting to lethal force.  


  • New recruits to Berronar's faith are known as Sparkling Oaths. They are commited to Berronar's teachings and the bright future they hope to forge for the dwarven race.
  • Once the Sparkling Oaths complete their training, they become Steadfast Hearthguards, who serve as core members of the clergy, tending to the temples, assisting in ceremonies, and offering guidance to the community.
  • Steadfast Hearthguareds can ascend to the role of Forgewardens, who are responsible for overseeing temple operations, managing resources, and ensuring the preservation of dwarven traditions and history.
  • The most dedicated and experienced Forgewardens are chosen to become Oathkeepers, who act as spiritual advisors to dwarven communities, uphold the tenets of Berronar's faith, and lead major religious ceremonies.
  • The Forgewardens are chosen among the members themselves and are called Stonesingers, who exhibit exceptional faith and leadership qualities. hese individuals become direct conduits for Berronar's blessings, channeling her power to protect and inspire dwarves.
  • The most revered among the Stonesingers are the Truesilver Ancestors, who are usually dwarven elders, imbued with profound wisdom and potent blessings. They are considered living legends within the faith. Collectively, they are known as the Council of the Anvil, offering guidance and counsel on matters of faith and tradition.


Open Sky Shrines
Above ground, Berronar's temples stand in vibrant contrast to the dwarven strongholds carved into the mountains. These open-air sanctuaries often take the form of a stone circle nestled within a wooded grove. Small fires flicker within the circle, their patterns seemingly random yet imbued with a subtle symbolism understood by the faithful. Sparkling gems and intricate metal sculptures, mounted on poles, catch the firelight, creating a mesmerizing display during worship ceremonies. On the two major holy days, dwarves celebrate with vibrant firework displays that illuminate the night sky, marking the conclusion of their unison prayers.  
Living Caverns
Deep beneath the earth, Berronar's temples take on a different form. Here, the Faenor clergy meticulously cultivate a breathtaking subterranean oasis. They nurture mosses, lichens, and bioluminescent fungi, transforming the cavern floor into a lush, glowing carpet that climbs the walls as high as possible. These living tapestries not only provide a sense of natural beauty but also illuminate the sacred space. Magical items capable of creating mesmerizing dancing lights are considered highly valuable treasures. In rare circumstances, the Faenor may even hire non-dwarven wielders of such items, known as "lighters". These individuals are treated with utmost respect and courtesy. Blinded and stripped bare to prevent any knowledge of the temple's location, they illuminate the cavern for ceremonies before being safely escorted back to the surface upon completion. This ensures the temple's sanctity and location remain a closely guarded secret.


Celebrated on Midwinter Day, this holiday is all about the warmth and togetherness central to Midwinter festivities held deep within the mountains. Many people account of the roaring fires crackling in hearths, families gathered in celebration, and a sense of community rejoicing in the heart of winter for all dwarves. Usually they feast upon a special mead or delicacy. During the festivals, dwarves express their gratitude to Berronar with a tangible offering. Those typically consist of silver items – coins, intricately crafted jewelry, drinking vessels, or even "trade-bars", a dwarven invention. White flowers often accompany these offerings, symbolizing the deep love and affection dwarves hold for their beloved deity.  
Open Sky

Celebrated on Midsummer Night, as contrasts to Heartfire, this holiday highlights the openness and inclusivity of the Midsummer celebrations held above ground. Many people account of the festivities bathed in the light of the summer solstice, with dwarves welcoming neighbors and travelers to share in their joy.  
Structure of the Holidays
ach ceremony begins with a chanted prayer, followed by a wise address from the Truesilver Ancestor, sharing their insights and guidance. A responsive prayer, led by a Stonesinger or chosen priest, unites the community in devotion. Next comes a time of reflection: The clergy reports on their good works and successes, acknowledging any ongoing challenges. This honest assessment allows them to learn and grow together. Another responsive prayer reinforces their communal bond, followed by a powerful unison prayer that uplifts and inspires.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Strength from Home
    Tend the hearth and home, for within its walls lies the foundation of dwarven strength and security.
  • Truth and Tradition
    Uphold the truth and honor the wisdom of your ancestors. Respect the laws that bind your community.
  • Kin and Clan
    Stand shoulder to shoulder with friends, family, and clan. Find purpose in working towards a common goal.
  • Hope, Health, and Cheer
    Shun the allure of greed and the darkness of strife. Bring hope, health, and joy to those in need.
  • Sacred Oaths
    Oaths are sacred promises witnessed by Berronar herself. To break one is to grieve the goddess deeply.
  • Cherish the Children Children are the future of dwarvenkind. Protect them, nurture them, and guide them on the path of righteousness.
  • Mother's Embrace
    The warmth of Berronar's love extends to all dwarves. Offer aid and comfort to those who are struggling.
  • Respect the Forge
    Dwarves are shaped in The Soul Forge, a testament to Moradin's strength and Berronar's nurturing spirit. Honor the craft and respect the materials you work with.
  • Everbright Spirit: Maintain a spirit of optimism and resilience. Even in the darkest depths, let your hope shine as a beacon.
  • Balance and Harmony
    Seek balance in all things. Strength without compassion leads to tyranny, while love without discipline invites chaos. Strive for harmony between tradition and progress, ensuring the continued prosperity of your people.


Contacts & Relations

Berronar takes pride in her role as Moradin's ideal wife and confidante, offering him unwavering support. While Berronar respects the other deities, her primary focus lies on the dwarven pantheon. She maintains friendly relations with the leader goddesses of elves, gnomes, and halflings, recognizing the importance of inter-racial harmony.   She enjoys the company of Angradd and Gorm Gulthyn, appreciating their dedication to dwarven craftsmanship and defense. However, she maintains a more reserved attitude towards Marthammor Duin, Dugmaren Brightmantle, and Haela Brightaxe. While acknowledging their roles, she believes they need to mature and demonstrate greater leadership before earning her full trust.   Berronar harbors no patience for the scheming Abbathor. She advocates for his removal from the pantheon, mirroring Moradin's actions towards Laduguer and Deep Duerra.   Berronar's hatred for the Orc deities, Goblinoid deities, and Giant deities is as fierce as Moradin's. She sees them as a constant threat to dwarven security and stability.
Mother Goddess;
The Everlasting Love;
The Hearthkeeper;
The Lady of Love and Law;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Lawful Good
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Mount Celestia
Subservient Deities
Safety, honesty, home, healing, the dwarven family, records, marriage, faithfulness, loyalty, oaths, music
Community (Family, Home, Lughnasadh) Dwarf, Good (Agathion, Angel, Archon, Azata, Friendship, Redemption), Healing, Law (Angel, Archon, Loyalty), Magic (Rites), Protection
Two Silver Rings
Children, dwarven defenders, dwarves, fighters, homemakers, husbands, parents, scribes, wives
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Wrath of Righteousness” (heavy mace)
Holy Days
Hearthfire, Open Sky

Worshipper Relations


Berronar's Valkyries These elite female dwarven warriors, sworn to Berronar, operate in small, highly mobile units. Their primary mission is to ensure the safe return of dwarven soldiers to their homes and clans. During battles, they don't engage immediately but take up strategic positions, observing the flow of combat. When pockets of dwarven fighters become overwhelmed or a soldier is too injured to retreat, the Hearthguard Legion charges in, rescuing their kin from danger. Their unwavering dedication embodies Berronar's values of family, loyalty, and protection.   The Song of Healing loosely structured order consists primarily of healers, medics, and priests devoted to the art of mend the body and spirit. Members, often referred to as "Healers of the Silver Song", accompany dwarven armies into battle, but their focus is not on combat. They wield their skills to tend to the wounded and dying, minimizing casualties on the battlefield. During times of peace, these healers disperse to their respective dwarven communities, continuing their vital role as guardians of health and well-being. Their dedication to preserving life reflects Berronar's nurturing nature and compassion for all dwarves.


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