Solonor Thelandira Character in Theras | World Anvil

Solonor Thelandira (SO-lo-nohr theh-LAN-dih-ruh)

Solonor Thelandira is the elven god of hunting, archery, tactics, strategy, poison and survival in wild and harsh places. His teachings guide his followers in the arts of the hunter – the silent stalk, the unwavering aim, and the art of vanishing into the wilds unseen.   He is also known as the main god of Half Elves as they led the integration within Be’quessirari.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Their holy symbol reflects their devotion in various forms: an oversized, double-sided arrowhead embossed with Solonor's emblem, a silver medallion bearing the proud head of a stag, or even three feathers fanned out and secured to a leather disk worn on a cord.  

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Among Eldar Culture
Solonor's teachings resonate most strongly with those who tread the path of the hunter and ranger. Elven and half-elven communities, particularly those who focused on hunting and wilderness survival, revere him as their patron. Elven hunters seek his blessing for bountiful harvests, while warriors trapped behind enemy lines call upon him for guidance and safe passage. He is known as the right hand of Corellon Larethien  
Among Be’quessirari Culture
Among the Be'quessirari, he took many charges and through Half Elves, he gained a substantial foothold in Neomen and Northern people - fighting off the cultists and dictators of Bane and becoming the main god of strategy. The Non-Be'quessirari have taken the warfare of the elves into the next level, often combining forces with elves and dwarves forces via alliances and winning battle deemed unwinnable. He is also venerated as the main god of archery, even among Be’quessirari. It should be noted that human hunters, drawn to Solonor's respect for nature's balance, have are revering him as well.   Among both cultures, they make use of poison to make use in battle and make sure, battle will be most advantageous to them.  

Day-to-Day Activities

Solonor's teachings resonate most strongly with those who tread the path of the hunter and ranger. Elven communities, particularly those focused on wilderness survival, revere him as their patron.   Solonor's priests serve as scouts and archers in armies, as bowyers, fletchers, and archery instructors in both Eldar and Be’quessirari settlements, and as hunters and providers for far-flung rural communities.  
Among Eldar Culture
Among the Fair Folk who largely eschew the trappings of civilization, members of Solonor's priesthood preside over initiation ceremonies into adulthood. They are also skilled artisans, crafting the very tools of the hunt – the bows and arrows – and training aspiring archers in elven settlements. This fosters not just mastery of the weapon, but a deep respect for the hunt and the natural world itself.   Hawkeye hunters play a vital role, ensuring food security for far-flung elven communities. They act as guardians, ever vigilant against those who would disrupt the delicate balance of nature. Among wilder elves who eschew the trappings of civilization, Hawkeyes even preside over initiation ceremonies, guiding young elves into adulthood and strengthening their connection to the wilds.  
Among Be’quessirari Culture
Among the non-Elven people, he is considered the god of archery, often competing in many archery contests and they are often acting as officers and tutors of war academies in many places. In contrast to Eldar, where Corellon is the chief god of war and Solonor is considered the right hand of strategy there - among the Be'quessirari, he is considered the chief god of strategy, but not battle.  

Priestly Vestments

Among Eldar Culture
Solonor's clergy, the Hawkeyes, don distinctive garb during rituals. They wear gleaming suits of silvered chain mail, with elven chain mail preferred whenever possible for its lighter weight and superior craftsmanship. Flowing silver cloaks drape over their shoulders, symbolizing the moonlit hunts favored by their deity. Completing the ensemble are leaf-green hoods, echoing the verdant wilds Solonor protects.   For everyday tasks and adventuring, Hawkeyes prioritize practicality. They favor leaf-green hooded cloaks that blend seamlessly with the natural world, paired with sturdy leather boots (or elven boots for those who possess them). Their weapon choices echo their connection to the hunt: bows of any kind (excluding crossbows, seen as ungainly and disrespectful), daggers for close-quarter defense, and longer blades like swords or spears for more general combat. Elven bows are particularly prized for their elegance and craftsmanship, alongside any magical bows, arrows, or other archery equipment they can acquire. Armor selections lean towards practicality and mobility – leather armor, studded leather armor, or silenced elven chain mail for those fortunate enough to own it.  
Among Be’quessirari Culture
Among the Be'quessirari, many Hawkeyes serve as officers, contributing their vast knowledge to the Be'quessirari, and as such, they don different clothes as befitting the station they are stationed at.  


Among the Eldar, they are known as Hawkeyes. However, since 529 AB, during a great battle against Etarr's faithful, the clergy has decided to replace and change the name of the hierarchy to include both the Eldar Culture and Be’quessirari Culture from: Fletcher, Bowyer, Archer, Gray Wolf, Snow Tiger, Grizzly Bear, Blood Hawk, Fire Falcon and Gold Eagle to:  
  • Fletchling
    This title reflects their apprentice stage, learning the basics of archery and tactics like a fledgling bird learning to fly.
  • Covert Tactician
    This title reflects the precision execution of an ambush.
  • Whisperblade
    This title reflects their ability to move silently and strike with deadly precision, like a whisper in the night. It should be mentioned that this title is often overlooked and is used for those who didn't make it to Gambiteer.
  • Gambiteer
    The Clerics, who make use of gambits, calculated risks that can lead to strategic advantages.
  • Stratagem Weaver
    These faithful and clerics are those who accomplished winning battles, often growing their mastery of devising and implementing complex plans. They are the leaders of a local temple or a unit of Solonorees.
  • Fortress Breaker
    The holders of these titles are reknowned among many temples are they are the coordinators of different branches of the temples of Solonor, often coordinating their units as well. The title itself is a testament for them to overcome any obstacle, akin to breaching a seemingly impregnable fortress.
  • War Seer
    Akin to Whisperblades, these clerics have exclusively the ability to foresee battlefields situtation s and strategize accordingly, even if they are not the leaders of a branch or a region of the faith.
  • Grand Manipulator
    The Grand Manipulators, are those who exhibit mastery of deception and manipulation of enemy forces, often diverting them against each other.
  • Imperator
    This is the ultiamte leader of the church of Solonor Thelandira.


Veiled by the emerald embrace of ancient forests lie the temples of Solonor, the Great Archer. These sacred sanctuaries are not easily found. Only carefully hidden and guarded woodland paths lead to their secluded clearings. Guardianship is paramount. The temple perimeter is a formidable fortress, its earthworks woven from roots, rocks, and verdant life into a near-impregnable barrier. Beneath the verdant canopy, earthen chambers nestled amidst the intricate root network provide additional secure spaces. The surrounding woods are no less deliberate. Trees are strategically planted, forming narrow paths radiating outwards like spokes from the central grove. While seemingly innocuous, these pathways are a testament to Solonor's cunning. The plant life alongside them is carefully cultivated to impede movement while offering unimpeded flight for arrows, essentially transforming the woods into natural shooting galleries where intruders can be swiftly targeted.   Even among the Be’quessirari, they do resepct the ways of the Eldar and view this as a way to respect the ambush perspective of Solonor.  


Clerics of Solonor pray for their spells whenever the moon is highest in the sky during the day

Tenets of Faith

  • Shield the wild places from excessive encroachment. Guide those who settle the land to remember and cherish the beauty that first drew them there.
  • Take what you need, and no more. Cull the weak and aged for the long-term health of the herd, ensuring the prosperity of all creatures.
  • Actions, like arrows loosed from the bow, have consequences that cannot be recalled. Choose your targets with meticulous care, for a single misstep can ripple outwards, causing unforeseen harm.
  • Just as a skilled strategist anticipates enemy movements, so too must you consider the far-reaching effects of your actions. Plan with foresight, and act with decisive purpose.
  • Victory flows from superior planning, cunning strategy, and precise tactics, not just brute force. Even luck cannot save the foolhardy. Only a keen strategist secures lasting triumph.
  • War is a tapestry woven from individual battles. A lost skirmish need not spell defeat. Analyze each encounter, learn from mistakes, and forge ahead with unwavering resolve.
  • Scrutinize your opponent's weaknesses while acknowledging your own. Avoid their strengths and exploit yours. Success lies in wielding your own power against their vulnerabilities.
  • Don't waste energy countering your enemy's might. Leverage your own strengths and exploit their weaknesses. Only by aligning your power with their vulnerabilities can victory be assured.
  • In times of war, strive for peace. In times of peace, prepare for war. Constant vigilance ensures swift action against emerging threats.
  • Seek allies among your enemy's foes, and be open to compromise. A robust network can turn the tide of battle.
  • Life is a constant series of skirmishes punctuated by moments of war. Approach every encounter with a strategic mindset and a plan for success.
  • Be prepared for setbacks, and always have a contingency plan. Anticipate challenges and formulate alternative solutions to navigate the unexpected.
— Dogma of Solonor

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Feast of the Unerring Arrow
Each New Year, the followers of Solonor usher in a joyous celebration known as the Feast of the Unerring Arrow. During the Feast, grand archery contests take center stage. Skilled archers from all walks of life compete, showcasing their marksmanship and precision. The victor of these exhilarating competitions is said to receive a coveted blessing from Keen-Eye, a symbol of Solonor's favor and heightened prowess with the bow.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

During the The Gods War, Solonor died in a battle with Bane over dominion of strategy - Therefore, when Lendys took the portfolio of Shah, he had use a large portion of its divine power to bring balance and took Solonor as its aspect.

Personality Characteristics


Being one of the main triad deities of Strategies, Lendys Bane and Solonor Thelandira. Solonor is the aggressor, always taking the initiative, commencing with ambushes and trickeries that no one has ever fathomed off.   Solonor acts as a watchful guardian, ensuring a delicate balance between civilization and the untamed reaches. He oversees the borders where wilderness meets cultivated lands, ensuring harmony between the two.   A deity known for his unwavering integrity, Solonor guards his word fiercely, offering it only after careful deliberation. The weight of his duty often casts a solemn air about him. He navigates the complexities of balancing those who seek to utilize nature's bounty with those who strive to preserve its pristine state – a task that requires a level head and unwavering resolve.


Contacts & Relations

Solonor Thelandira holds a place of high esteem among The Seldarine, the elven pantheon, answering directly to Corellon Larethien. His sphere of influence naturally aligns him with many benevolent nature deities, fostering strong alliances with deities like Silvanus, the protector of wild places. Several beast cults, recognizing his respect for the natural order, also find common ground with Solonor.   Solonor share a particularly close connection with Eilistraee, and Ehlonna. Whispers of romantic entanglements with both goddesses follow him through the ages.   However, not all deities share Solonor's reverence for nature. Menas and Garyx and Gruumsh, are his most vehement foes. Lolth, also draw Solonor's unwavering opposition. Additionally, the chaotic Unseelie Court, particularly the capricious Queen of Air and Darkness, and any deity who seek to despoil the natural world faced Solonor's unwavering defense.
The Unerring Strategist;
The Silent Stalker;
The Swiftflight;
The Greater Archer;
Keen Archer;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power, Aspect of Lendys
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Half Elves, Archery, hunting, Fletching, survival, , Battle, Planning, Poison, Tactics, Strategy, Warfare
Animal (Feather, Fur), Chaos (Entropy), Elf, Good (Azata), Liberation (Freedom, Revolution), Luck (None), Nobility (Leadership), War
Silver arrow with Green Fletching
Archers, Arcane Archers, Druids, Elves (Especially Wood Elves of Woodrealm). , Rangers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Longshot” (longbow)
Holy Days
Feast of the Unerring Arrow


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