Shevarash Character in Theras | World Anvil

Shevarash (SHEV-uh-rash)

Shevarash, the Black Archer, is a deity cloaked in shadow and consumed by vengeance. He is a being of few words, his stoicism masking a heart burning with rage. Any emotion that flickers across his face is either icy anger or a fleeting glimpse of triumph after a victory hard-won. Peace is a concept alien to him; his crusade against the drow is all-consuming.   Driven by a past atrocity, Shevarash acts with ruthless efficiency. He anticipates drow attacks, fiercely guarding vulnerable elven settlements. But when tragedy strikes, when he arrives too late to prevent another drow raid, his fury explodes. He unleashes his agents, relentless hunters who pursue the dark elves back into the Underdark, their mission clear – to eradicate every last one. This relentless pursuit leaves no room for mercy, only the unending echo of vengeance.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of their faith is both potent and gruesome: a broken arrowshaft, dipped in the very blood of their hated enemy and blessed by a priest of Shevarash. It serves as a constant reminder of their fallen comrades and the oath that binds them.  

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Though small, the Church of Shevarash is a relentless force, fueled by unwavering discipline. They understand brute force alone won't vanquish the drow; meticulous planning and unwavering dedication are paramount. Their singular mission: the eradication of the drow and the obliteration of their dark gods' power.   Founded by Shevarash's lieutenants after his death and ascension, the Church has become an extension of the Black Archer's vengeance. Every day is a preparation for war. Clerics train tirelessly, honing their combat skills and devising tactics for subterranean warfare. They relentlessly guard known Underdark entrances, ready to thwart drow incursions. When not defending, they launch swift attacks and bold assaults, chipping away at drow-held territories.   Membership in the Church is not for the faint of heart. Many join adventuring bands venturing into the Underdark, not for personal gain, but to bolster their ranks against the ancient enemy. They welcome every additional blade in their unending crusade.  

Priestly Vestments

The Church of Shevarash presents a chilling visage. Their ceremonial garb embodies both their relentless pursuit and the bitterness of their losses. They wear gleaming silver chainmail, a stark reminder of the elven heritage they fiercely defend. Draped over their shoulders is a flowing blood-red half-cloak, symbolizing the unending blood feud with the drow. Their silver helms feature a fixed half-visor, obscuring the upper half of their face, reflecting their steely resolve and unwavering focus on vengeance.   Priests of Shevarash are skilled with both the bow and the sword, but their arsenal is not limited. In their relentless pursuit of vengeance, they are pragmatic, wielding any weapon that ensures victory. Their preferred armor is chain mail, offering a balance between protection and the agility needed for subterranean battles. Elven chain mail, when available, is particularly prized for its lighter weight and superior craftsmanship.   These followers of the Black Archer hold no qualms about seizing the spoils of war. Captured drow armor and weapons are readily repurposed, turned against the very enemies they were taken from. Every weapon becomes an instrument of retribution in their ongoing crusade.   When a follower of Shevarash falls in battle, every effort is made to recover their body and return it to the surface for proper burial. This final act of respect honors their sacrifice in the ongoing crusade. However, in the unforgiving Underdark, where escape can be treacherous, fallen warriors might be interred in unmarked cairns. This grim necessity ensures their bodies are concealed from the ever-present threat of defilement by the drow.  


  • Vengeance's Echoes
    The Novices of the church, are really initiates who begin their way there.
  • Dark Avengers
    The Dark Avengers are the backbone of the faith.
  • Stormbreakers
    When things get tough, a high priest get into the front and usually is either the death of the enemy or the misery of a futile victory against the faith.
  • Eye of Vengeance
    Unlike other deities, the inquisitors of the faith fill this rank and they are usually clerics and inquisitors combined.


The temples of Shevarash are not places of serene contemplation, but bastions of unrelenting vigilance. Often carved into cave mouths connecting elven forests to the Underdark's treacherous depths, they serve a dual purpose: to prevent drow incursions and act as launching points for retaliatory strikes. Designed with an emphasis on impregnability, these fortresses require minimal defenders to hold against overwhelming odds. Thick walls, meticulously crafted to withstand prolonged sieges, house well-stocked armories, storerooms overflowing with supplies, and cisterns holding precious fresh water – all vital resources for the unending war.   The aesthetics within these temples are stark. The only adornments gracing the walls are grim trophies – grim reminders of fallen drow and testaments to the relentless pursuit of vengeance. Deep within the Underdark, where temporary outposts are established during raids, followers of Shevarash might hastily construct makeshift shrines to their god. These serve as fleeting sanctuaries in the war-torn depths.  
Clerics of Shevarash pray for their spells at dusk, just before the drow sneak back into the Lands of Light.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Nihtveil Ilbrinan
The Nihtveil Ilbrinan is a somber yet resolute holy day observed by the followers of Shevarash. It commemorates the horrific Dark Court massacre, the event that ignited their unwavering vendetta against the drow.   On midwinter night, a solemn ceremony welcomes new initiates into the faith. As the veil of night deepens, the air vibrates with the echoing chants of vengeance. Each new cleric, their voices echoing into the darkness, swears a sacred oath – a grim reflection of Shevarash's own vow. They renounce laughter and joy until the drow and their dark gods are eradicated. This chilling ritual serves as a stark reminder of the burden they bear and the unwavering commitment they pledge to their vengeful god.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nearly six millennia ago, a horrific betrayal unfolded. A summit between surface elves and dwarves, intended to solidify their alliance, was ambushed by a combined force of Duergar and Drow. Shevarash, one of the survivors, witnessed the carnage firsthand. In the face of such devastation, he swore a sacred oath to Corellon Larethien, never again would laughter or joy touch his lips until Lolth, the Spider Queen, and her followers are eradicated.   Years of relentless war against the drow followed. Ultimately, Shevarash fell in battle, his rage and determination unwavering. Through the intervention of Abel, the god of vengeance, Shevarash ascended to godhood.   Fueled by his oath, Shevarash has forged alliances with other deities and entities who share his thirst for vengeance against Lolth and the drow. Among his allies are Callarduran Smoothhands and Atgeldes.   Shevarash's primary adversaries are the evil drow gods. Lolth, the architect of the massacre that ignited his fury, and Vhaeraun top his list. However, his wrath extends to all who embrace the darkness of the Underdark.   Abel, the god of vengeance, recognized a kindred spirit in Shevarash. He saw a reflection of his own purpose - to punish those who betray trust - in the elven god's unwavering oath. The specific Aspect Abel took on likely mirrored the sense of betrayal Shevarash felt, mirroring the devastating act perpetrated by Cain against his brother Abel in some forgotten mythology.
The Black Archer;
The Black Avenger;
The God of Unending Wrath;
Divine Classification
Demipower , Aspect of Abel
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Hatred of the drow, vengeance, crusades, loss
Chaos (Riot), Destruction (Hatred, Rage), Elf, War
Broken arrow above a teardrop
Archers, elves, fighters, hunters, rangers, soldiers, sorcerers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“The Black Bow” (longbow)
Holy Days
Midwinter Night


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