Fenmarel Mestarine Character in Theras | World Anvil

Fenmarel Mestarine (FEHN-muh-rel MESS-tuh-reen)

Fenmarel Mestarine is the god of Wild Elves, scapegoats and isolationists.  
Divine Realm
Though Fenmarel is technically counted among the Seldarine in Arvandor, the elven paradise, his heart truly lies elsewhere. He prefers the solitude of his own realm, Fennimar. Nestled within the ever-shifting borders of Limbo, Fennimar offers a perfect sanctuary for the Lone Wolf, far from the bustle of Arvandor.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Fenmarel's followers mirror his own solitary nature. Unlike many organized churches, his lacks a formal hierarchy. It primarily draws from two groups: Wild Elves and Elven Outcasts.  
Day-to-Day Activities
Fenmarel's clergy focuses on practical skills honed in the wilderness. They teach their fellows:
  • The Art of Espionage: Moving unseen through enemy territory is a crucial skill for survival.
  • Self-Reliance: Living off the land and enduring hardship are testaments to Fenmarel's teachings.
  • Deception and Ambush: The wild teaches the value of cunning. Outsmarting adversaries with well-placed illusions or surprise attacks is favored over brute force.
  • Subtle Elimination: Poisons offer a quiet and efficient means of dealing with enemies.
Beyond these core skills, Fenmarel's followers have a single overarching responsibility: to ensure their own survival and, by extension, the continued existence of those who share their values.  
Followers of Fenmarel don't construct grand temples. Instead, they create hidden shrines, each a unique reflection of the devotee or tribe that built it. The shrines are often adorned with plant and animal materials specific to the local environment. Bones, teeth, and claws might serve as reminders of potential threats, while sticks and leaves symbolize the resources for shelter and sustenance.  
Priestly Vestments
Deep in the untamed heart of the forest, priests embrace a primal look. They plaster their bodies with mud, a symbol of resilience against the elements, and adorn themselves with leaves and sticks, blending seamlessly with their surroundings.   Amongst more settled elves who revere Fenmarel, priests wear hide armor, a testament to their hunting prowess. Bones, teeth, and crude sketches of wild beasts adorn their armor, serving both as trophies and reminders of the dangers they face. Their holy symbol is a revered token – a talon or fang from a dangerous creature they slew alone, a testament to Fenmarel's teachings. When venturing out, Fenmarel's priests prioritize weapons and armor crafted using the survival skills imparted by their deity. However, they are not above using the best available gear if necessary. Adaptability and resourcefulness are key lessons of the Lone Wolf.  
Novices of Fenmarel are known as the Lost. Full priests of the Lone Wolf are known as the Unbowed. Fenmarel's priests create their own individual titles or forgo them altogether.  
Clerics of Fenmarel pray for their spells at dusk, when darkness begins to settle over the land.   Fenmarel's followers don't adhere to a set calendar of holy days. Instead, their devotion is deeply personal.   Elven outcasts often mark the anniversary of their banishment from society as a day of quiet reflection. It's a time to contemplate their path and reaffirm their connection to Fenmarel.   Wild elf tribes, deeply connected to the natural world, celebrate significant events within their oral history. These celebrations often coincide with astronomical phenomena visible to the naked eye, further solidifying their bond with the wilderness.

Tenets of Faith

  • The wilds are a crucible, testing the strength and cunning of those who dare to walk alone. Embrace hardship, for it tempers the spirit.
  • Trust is a fleeting thing, and betrayal lurks in every corner. Master the arts of camouflage, deception, and survival. You are your own protector.
  • Let your actions speak louder than words. Move unseen, unheard, a phantom in the shadows. Surprise is your weapon.
  • The wilderness holds sustenance and tools for the keen eye. Learn the whispers of the wind, the secrets of the earth, and the language of the forest.
  • Strength lies in solitude. Forge your own destiny, unburdened by the expectations of others. Seek mastery over yourself first.
  • Brute force is a fool's game. Deception, strategy, and a well-placed strike are the tools of the lone wolf.
  • The unseen enemy strikes truest. Learn the art of ambush and the subtle poisons hidden within the shadows. Strike swiftly and vanish without a trace.
  • Morality is a luxury for the weak. Do what you must to endure, for existence is the ultimate victory.
  • Your presence should be a fleeting whisper. Cover your tracks, erase all signs of your passing. Respect the secrets of the wild, for it is your sanctuary.
  • Though you walk alone, you are not truly isolated. Outcasts and the downtrodden find solace in Fenmarel's teachings. Offer them aid when possible, for a shared struggle can forge a temporary pack, united in a common purpose.
— Lone Wolf's Creed

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fenmarel Mestarine's history with Araushnee's is a complex one as he has commited with her adultery. Prior to her descent into darkness, he was one of the first swayed by her alluring promises of power. However, unlike others, Fenmarel managed to break free from her influence and rejoin The Seldarine before things went too far.  
Rumors and Legends
Legends whisper of a powerful curse that birthed the first harpy. An unnamed elf, consumed by an unrequited love for Fenmarel Mestarine, was driven to such a desperate state that a divine curse twisted her form.

Personality Characteristics


Fenmarel Mestarine embodies solitude. He retreats from interaction, offering only cynicism and suspicion to non-elves. Even amongst The Seldarine, the elven pantheon, his presence is rare. He only emerges from his seclusion when absolutely necessary, a testament to his deep distrust of outsiders.   This version emphasizes Fenmarel's self-imposed isolation and distrust. It replaces "sullen and withdrawn" with more evocative descriptions and uses parallelism to create a stronger rhythm.   Fenmarel Mestarine stands in stark contrast to the playful Erevan Ilesere. Where Erevan embodies joy, Fenmarel is a deity of brooding seriousness. He has little patience for socializing with other gods or non-elves, preferring solitude. When forced to interact, his words are often laced with cynicism and bitterness.   Despite his aversion to commitment, Fenmarel is a creature of his word. Even if a promise is reluctantly given, he fulfills it to the letter.


Contacts & Relations

Fenmarel Mestarine occupies a unique position among The Seldarine. While technically aligned with them, his preference for solitude keeps him apart. Despite this, he remains a steadfast ally, particularly in their fight against the Dark Seldarine   Within the Seldarine, he finds camaraderie with a select few. His bond with Solonor Thelandira, rumored to be his brother, is strong. He respects the stoicism of Shevarash and the unwavering commitment of Eilistraee. Only the genuine warmth of Sehanine Moonbow can draw him back to the main Seldarine on rare occasions.
The Lone Wolf;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Arborea and Limbo
Subservient Deities
Feral elves, outcasts, scapegoats, isolation
Animal, Chaos (Protean, Riot), Elf, Plant (Leshy, Growth, Mabon, Thorns), Travel (Exploration)
Pair of elven eyes in the darkness
Druids, elves, outcasts, rangers, rogues, spies, wild elves
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Thornbite” (dagger)
Holy Days


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