Echor i Naurgon Geographic Location in Theras | World Anvil

Echor i Naurgon

Echor i Naurgon, or also known as the lands of the Dragons is a mountainous range, with even few floating masses of lands on the air. The name was given by the Avariel when they managed to expel the dragons.


The avariel have a unique advantage in harnessing the power of the wind and utilizing the skies to their benefit. This allows them to have access to rare and valuable resources related to flight and air manipulation. They possess feathers, wings, or other materials that hold both significance in their culture and practical applications.


The avariel are known for their exquisite architecture, which blends seamlessly with the natural elements of their realm. Their cities and structures are often built high in the treetops or carved into mountain peaks, incorporating elements of elegance and functionality.
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