Elf Species in Theras | World Anvil


Notice: This is an abridged version, please see the full article: Elf - Expanded.   Elves are humannoid race with a slender build, long and pointy ears and a signifactly long lifespans. They are considered by most humanoid cultures to be the native inhabitants of Theras as they are widespread throughout the entireity of the Prime Material Plane; however, they can also be found in many of the Outer Planes and are not in fact native denizens of the prime.

Basic Information


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One interesting elven characteristic that few are aware of is the elves' lack of canine teeth and all elves are very slim, hiding their natural strength under a veil of fragility.   Elven skin is usually quite pale. The obvious exceptions are, of course, the Dark Elves and the Aquatic Elves and some of the Crescent Elves. Even half-elves are rather fair when compared to their human parents.   Of course, all elves have pointed ears. This affords them sensitive hearing, and they can hear sounds unheard by human ears. However, the range is not really great enough to make a significant difference; it is only enough for elves to distinguish certain tones, which enables them to pass messages not meant for human ears.

Biological Traits

Elves have delicate chiseled features that are typically quite angular and beautiful. There is really no such thing as an elf born ugly; those who have low Charisma were either scarred accidentally or marred magically. However, Charisma is not only an indication of outward beauty. The fact that many elves have average Charisma is a testament to the fact that beauty is not, contrary to popular belief, the only important thing about a person.

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves have been known to produce children with beings of other races. Most of these are the offspring of a union between elves and humans. Elf females sometimes find themselves drawn to human men for a brief while, and human women cannot resist the charms of certain elf males. The child of these unions is usually born and reared in the civilization of its mother; elf males rarely want humans in their lands, and most elf females don't want to bear a child outside the elven realms, nor to abandon it to humans.   While elves may dally with members of other races, there is usually no offspring from such unions. Something in the natures of the races involved makes such a child distinctly improbable. Only with the aid of strong magics or unforeseen coincidences has there been any result from these dalliances. Apart from the physical differences, elves find most other races unappealing in appearance. Dwarves have their beards, and halflings have their hairy feet and considerable girths.  
The Waning
The waning is a stage in an elven life cycle, for which the children, either from male or female, are regarded as split. This condition is rumored to have the children more law-inclined, unadjusting to elveIsh chaotic life and choosing to leave elven society. Sometimes this condition is something that the elves call in the deragotry term of "Elf-Dwarf".

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves have the longest known lifespans in the known worlds. The length of their lives often surpasses even the ancient trees, although the elves typically leave the lands known to humans before reaching 600 years. Some have been known to stay for as long as 750 years, but very few remain after that time. The siren call of the unknown beckons to them, and they leave the world in the capable hands of their successors.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

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Elves have certain abilities not accessible to most humans except through powerful magic, among them: communion, elvensight, manifestation, the reverie, and a limited resistance to heat and cold.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The elven language is melodic and fluid, consisting of musical words that are a joy to hear. There are nuances and lilting intonations, all of which combine to make Elvish a lovely language. Even Drow Elvish is an attractive language, full of dark mystery and secrets.   Elves prefer names that flow off the tongue like wind through trees. Sibilants and "th" sounds are common, as are others of the softer consonants. Occasionally, to add interest to a name, elves will include a hard consonant, such as a "k" or a "t." Overall, they prefer to allow the name to remain fluid and melodic, much like their language.

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