Eilistraee Character in Theras | World Anvil

Eilistraee (EYEL-iss-TRY-ee)

You have a rightful place awaiting you in the lands Above, in the Land of the Great Light. Come in peace, and dwell once more beneath the sun, where trees and flowers flourish.
  Eilistraee is the drow goddess of beauty, song, dance, freedom, moonlight, swordwork, and hunting, within the drow pantheon known as the Dark Seldarine . She is the patroness and protector of the few dark elves who longs to return to the surface and live there, at peace with other races, and to abandon the endless conflicts and intrigues that dominate the lives of most drow. She is the daughter of Araushnee and Corellon Larethien, a free-spirited and kind-hearted goddess, with a fiery streak in her personality. When, during her youth, a host of evil deities assaulted Arvandor (her home), Araushnee's treachery almost made her slay her own father. Even though she was cleared from any guilt, Eilistraee chose to share her mother's exile, because she knew that the drow would need her light in the times to come. After the descent of the drow, Eilistraee tried to be a mother goddess to her people and bring them the hope of a new life. She fights to lead them back to the lands of light, helping them to flourish and prosper in harmony with other races, free from Lolth 's tyranny and the conflicts that dominated their lives. Hers was an uphill battle, however, as her power is not a match and she is opposed by all the gods of the Dark Seldarine. But, despite having to overcome many hardships and setbacks, Eilistraee never gives up fighting for her people.  
Eilistraee takes the role of a nurturing and protecting mother-goddess for the whole drow race, working to lead them out of the Underdark and back to the surface world, in the great forests they'd left behind long before.   In her youth, Eilistraee willingly joined the dark elves in exile to stand by them in their times of need, offering hope and guidance. She teaches them kindness, love, and the joys of life, nurturing and protecting them as best she can in a hostile surface world. While she cannot guarantee their safety, she aids in their growth and survival, assisting them in practical matters such as hunting and swordcraft.   Similarly, Eilistraee intervenes to provide comfort and emotional support when her people are in need. She reassures them of her presence, often appearing as a guiding light or a protective shadowy figure dancing among them. She offers insight, inspiration, and even magical assistance to help them overcome obstacles and resist the influence of Lolth. Through the daily Evensong ritual, Eilistraee listens to the silent messages of her followers, offering solace and understanding.   The Dark Maiden extends her call to all dark elves, from the highest matron mother to the lowest male slave, through dreams or visions revealing a brighter existence and the beauty of the world, especially when they are near the surface. Lolth's attempts to hinder these visions are futile, as overwhelming interference from both goddesses could drive mortals to madness. Despite Lolth's suppression of any knowledge of her daughter, drow inevitably sense Eilistraee's presence at some point in their lives, eliciting diverse reactions.   While many drow may not fully comprehend or accept their dreams and emotions, some secretly yearn for Eilistraee and her aspirations. It is not uncommon for them, discreetly, to spare the lives of Eilistraee's worshipers or silently observe their activities, defying Lolth's influence. However, few drow possess the courage and means to abandon their past and fully embrace Eilistraee's teachings. Moreover, the Dark Maiden's endeavors face staunch opposition from Lolth and other malevolent drow deities, limiting her influence.   Despite her primary concern for the drow, Eilistraee holds a deep commitment to aiding the needy regardless of their race, gender, or strength. She advocates for kindness, shelter, and acceptance for all who eschew evil, particularly those who are marginalized or outcasts. Together with her followers, she endeavors to spread joy, comfort, and hope to those burdened by sorrow. Additionally, as a goddess of beauty, Eilistraee fosters a love for the arts, especially music and dance, blessing artists and bards with moments of heightened creativity and inspiration.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Eilistraee's followers primarily comprise drow seeking refuge from the perils of the Underdark and the tyranny of Lolth, yearning to reclaim their rightful home on the surface. Yet, true to her inclusive principles, Eilistraee extends her welcome to individuals of all races, with elves, humans, and half-elves being particularly prevalent among her non-drow adherents. United by a shared vision of a world free from prejudice and conflict, they strive towards harmony and equality, with former drow devotees also endeavoring to establish their presence in the realms above.   Eilistraean communities often adopt a matriarchal structure, distinct from Lolth's oppressive hierarchy, aiming to foster the flourishing of all individuals, regardless of gender. This nurturing matriarchy, characterized by a flexible hierarchy, empowers both males and females to thrive on the surface world. The clerics of Eilistraee, known as Sword Dancers, embody Eilistraee's maternal care for the drow, serving as educators, guardians, and diplomats. They guide their people in navigating the challenges of the surface world, fostering a sense of community and belonging, and shielding them from harm while forging alliances with other races. Eilistraeans are renowned for offering assistance and refuge to all in need, irrespective of race, often venturing beyond their communities to provide aid, including food, healing, and artistic enrichment.   Many devotees of Eilistraee, particularly her clerics, are dedicated to the cultivation and promotion of the arts, particularly music and dance. They impart their knowledge of these arts, teaching and preserving traditional pieces while creating new compositions inspired by their travels. Additionally, they repair and craft musical instruments and support bards, furthering the spread of joy and creativity within their communities and throughout their journeys.   Despite their endeavors, the followers of Eilistraee remain largely unknown and misunderstood by both surface dwellers and denizens of the Underdark. They are often shrouded in myth and superstition, subject to prejudice and unfounded rumors. Some surface inhabitants view them as agents of the Spider Goddess, poised to seize control of the surface, while drow aligned with Lolth or other malevolent deities suspect them of espionage and subversion, posing as drow to pave the way for invasion by surface elves. Many non-elves struggle to conceive of a benevolent drow deity, while surface elves, adhering to the belief that dark elves bear sole responsibility for ancient conflicts, regard Eilistraee as a challenge to their established doctrine.  
Ways of Worship and Communities
In Eilistraean communities, women frequently assume leadership roles. Yet, unlike under Lolth's rule, theirs is a nurturing society shaped by the teachings of Eilistraee, fostering equality and empowerment for both genders. Here, drow, regardless of gender, are encouraged to flourish and succeed on the surface world. Eilistraean leaders, embodying Eilistraee's maternal spirit, provide practical support, nurture arts, and protect drow on the surface. They teach survival skills, offer shelter and healing, and foster community through music and dance. Additionally, they forge alliances and ensure safety for their people.   Eilistraean communities, led by predominantly female clergy, prioritize practicality over ideology. Centered around temples to the goddess, they maintain a loose hierarchy, valuing input from all members regardless of gender. While men rarely assume leadership roles, decisions are made collaboratively, with expertise from non-leaders welcomed.   Outside of the community, male and female worshipers usually have the same duties and roles: guardians, experts, artisans, artists, or general workers.

Day-to-Day Activities

Redeeming the Drow
Eilistraee's priestesses guide drow back to the surface world, offering support and sanctuary, aiming to liberate them from Lolth's influence. Clerics are dictated to redeem one drow from the grasp of evil, every Sehanine.   Eilistraee's followers conduct missions underground, seeking out drow in need and delivering the goddess's message, aided by a network of portals.   Some devotees, like the Silverhair Knights, infiltrate Lolthite drow settlements, posing as followers to spread Eilistraee's faith discreetly, known as Secret Moondancers.  
Promoting drow trade
Eilistraee's followers promote drow trade on the surface, especially in Zirnyakil, aiding drow integration by providing guides, warehouses, and merchant support. They facilitate drow travel to the surface, where Eilistraee's influence is stronger and rivals like Lolth and Ghaundaur are weaker.  
Integrating with other races
Eilistraee's clerics work to foster peace and acceptance between drow and other races on the surface, fighting evil, offering aid, and promoting cultural exchanges and trade to strengthen relationships.  

Envoys, Diplomats and Emissaries

The church employs envoys and diplomats to establish ties with other races, seeking acceptance for drow presence through offering benefits and explaining their cause.  
  • Aiding others
    The faithful gather provisions, including magical gear, to support returning drow and offer aid to travelers. They patrol their surroundings, especially in winter, to assist lost individuals and protect against threats to their community, while also providing them food to hungry drow fugitives or travelers.
  • Nurturing arts and spreading joy
    In addition to their primar goals, the faithful are recognized for fostering beauty, music, and the arts, and for sharing kindness, joy, and hope whenever possible and suitable. They must be proficient in playing one of Eilistraee's favored instruments—such as the horn, flute, or harp—and possess adequate singing abilities and graceful dancing skills. Furthermore, they are expected to teach their art to others and continuously expand their repertoire of songs and musical knowledge. Additionally, they seek training in swordsmanship whenever feasible.
  • Fighting slavery
    The church of Eilistraee, especially in Zirnykali, is known for their efforts against slavers of all kinds, actively fighting organizations dedicated to the practice and offering shelter to slaves.
  • Adventuring
    Clerics are allowed to go adventuring, as long as they kept following Eilistraee's teachings, while aiding, feeding and defending the needy on the way.
  • Dancing, Dancing, Dancing
    The Dark Dancer is worshiped through song and dance, if at all possible in the surface world under the moon (preferably in wooded places). Worship of her is usually accompanied by a feast.


Priestesses of Eilistraee usually pray for their spells at the rising of the moon.   Her worship is bound by hard rules; it is free-form expression through dance and song, and all that is needed to celebrate her was a moonlit glade (or some kind of light, if in places that couldn't be reached by moonlight). The faithful disrobe and start dancing, seeking their goddess's blessing.   The most important rituals are described below:  
  • Circle of Song
    In addition to free-form dancing and singing, the primary ritual involves a communal hunt for food, followed by a feast and a Circle of Song. During the circle, participants take turns leading songs while dancing in a wooded area under the moonlight.
  • Evensong and Flamesong
    The Evensong is a private ritual observed by all devotees of Eilistraee at day's end. It involves conveying wordless messages to the goddess through personal dance and song, expressing the day's emotions, experiences, and reflections for Eilistraee's listening. For priestesses of the Zirnyakil, this ritual takes on the form of the Flamesong, a significant prayer where they dance around a flame or candle, singing freely until the flame extinguishes. Typically seeking solitude in alcoves, the temple resonates with the haunting echoes of multiple solos during this sacred time.
  • The High Hunt
    The High Hunt, overseen by Eilistraee's clerics, is a nocturnal ritual where devotees track and hunt down a menacing creature that threatens locals, presenting it as an offering to the goddess. Participants are permitted to use any bladed weapon and armor, although priestesses are encouraged to wear minimal attire. Typically occurring once per season, a successful hunt concludes with a circle dance in honor of the goddess, followed by a feast if the prey is edible. Alternatively, a senior priest may call for a Hunt if Eilistraee warns of approaching threats, whether through visions, dreams, or the sound of her hunting horn. In such cases, the objective is to eliminate the danger rather than for ceremonial purposes, although the horn's call may also signify someone nearby in need of aid.
  • The Last Dance
    Clerics who do not perish in battle receive Eilistraee's blessing through the Last Dance ritual. In their twilight years, these priests hear the goddess's nocturnal song, beckoning them to her side. When the melody resonates deeply within them, they commence an unclothed dance beneath the moon's glow. Witnesses attest that the goddess herself appears, singing to her devotee. As the elderly cleric dances, they gradually embody the vigor and vitality of youth, their hair aglow with Eilistraee's radiance. Eventually, the priest fades away, leaving behind only a silvery luminescence and the intertwined voices of deity and worshiper, united in a poignant, melodic harmony.
  • The Run
    The Run is an annual ritual observed by Eilistraee's followers, typically undertaken once a year. Participants dye their hair silver using specific boiled leaves and berries, a practice often met with derision from non-believing drow, despite silver hair being a natural occurrence among them as well. Non-drow individuals paint their bodies black with natural colors. They embark on a surface-world journey, relying on music, kindness, and swordsmanship to navigate safely among unfamiliar communities without persecution. The aim is to offer aid, joy, and assistance to various races without proselytizing, demonstrating the potential for non-evil drow integration into Theras. During the journey, participants exchange and learn new songs, music, recipes, and sword techniques. The duration of the Run varies from a month to a full season or even a year, contingent upon circumstances.   The goal is for followers of the Dark Maiden to venture into unfamiliar territories, engaging with elven and other communities to offer assistance, joy, and sustenance without promoting their faith. Instead, they aim to demonstrate through their actions that drow can peacefully coexist as benevolent members of Theras. During this time, devotees are urged to exchange and impart new songs, music, recipes, and swordsmanship techniques. The duration of this endeavor typically spans from one to one and a half months, but can extend to a season or even a year depending on circumstances.
  • The Sword Dance
    The Sword Dance is a ceremonial practice conducted upon the acquisition or creation of a new sword by a follower of Eilistraee, intended to seek the goddess's blessing upon the blade. This ritual involves driving the sword into the earth, hilt up, and then performing a dance around it, drawing a drop of blood from each limb by briefly pressing against the blade. A successful ritual results in the sword emitting a silvery radiance, granting it a three-month immunity to rust and the ability to harm creatures otherwise impervious to non-magical attacks.
  • The Love-Binding
    The Love-Binding ceremony represents the Eilistraeean form of matrimony, enacted when two lovers seek the blessing of a priestess of Eilistraee to formalize their union. In instances where both partners prioritize worship of the Dark Maiden over other deities, a specific ritual is conducted. However, variations may occur when one or both partners hold different religious beliefs. Rejection of the request by the priestess is only permissible on grounds of "unworthiness." The ceremony involves both preparation and the subsequent celebration.   In the preparatory phase, the priestess or priest meets individually with each supplicant, urging them to disclose their true selves, then casting a spell to verify their honesty before Eilistraee. Subsequently, they inquire about the supplicants' affection for their partner, their intentions, and their commitment to serving Eilistraee with integrity. The priestess then invokes Eilistraee's presence upon the couple, evidenced by the silver glow in their eyes, signifying becoming "moon-eyed". Following this, the supplicants and priestess or priest disrobe and engage in a non-sexual embrace and dance, led by the cleric while praying for Eilistraee's blessings. The goddess responds to the prayer either by revealing any deception beyond the priestess's discernment or by bestowing her blessing upon the union.   Once blessed, the ritual commences, typically conducted in places of worship or those sanctified by Eilistraee's presence, although any moonlit natural setting suffices. As the moonlight bathes the chosen location, the love-binding ceremony unfolds. The audience, consisting of a minimum of two witnesses—one devoted to Eilistraee and the other not—stands around the perimeter, ideally encircling the supplicants. Witnesses may attire themselves freely, while the priestess or priest and the supplicants, conditions permitting, disrobe and don ankle-length overrobes, remaining barefoot.   The ritual commences with the priestess or priest disrobing entirely, invoking the presence of moonglow around them, summoning Eilistraee to "witness this binding and grant it strength", while calling upon the attendants to "observe this union of love". Next, the priestess or priest presents both lovers with a large "loving cup" brimming with dark, sweet wine sanctified in honor of Eilistraee, instructing them to simultaneously partake while facing each other. Following this, the couple shares a kiss as the Dark Lady envelops them in moonglow, removing their robes.   Ultimately, the priestess or priest instructs the supplicants to clasp hands and fervently seek Eilistraee's blessing "with unwavering devotion", At this point, they are pronounced "bound before the goddess", marking the commencement of festivities with a jubilant clap. The nature of these celebrations varies depending on factors such as weather conditions, the necessity for discretion due to potential threats, and other circumstances. Nevertheless, they consistently feature elements of dance and song, with the presence or absence of food and drink determined by the participants' preferences.   The entire clergy of Eilistraee and other deities encircle the ceremony site, standing guard with weapons drawn, positioned outwardly to safeguard the lovers and participants throughout the dance. The sole deviation from this formation is the officiating priestess or priest, who leads a rhythmic, frequently straightforward, repetitive, and evocative chant dedicated to Eilistraee. This chant is echoed by fellow priestesses or priests of the goddess and other worshipers, while the officiant casts a spell to sustain the melody autonomously, although it is customary for them to maintain a harmonious accompaniment above it.   The dance commences, initially guided by the priestess or priest who leads the newly joined couple into the rhythm, while onlookers observe and the officiant begins invoking Eilistraee's blessing upon them. Subsequently, all participants join the dance, and the officiant alternates between embracing and dancing with each of them, imparting the same ethereal glow that surrounds them to all touched by their presence. Beyond this, the celebration follows no rigid structure; participants engage in dance styles of their preference, with spry and youthful dancers twirling and bounding energetically alongside those less nimble. Attire may be shed at the participants' discretion, with some couples even choosing to consummate their union amidst the festivities, occasionally transforming the ceremony into a general orgy.   The festivities typically persist until the ethereal glow dissipates from the priestess's or priest's body, or until daybreak. Upon its conclusion, the officiant usually terminates the enchantment and guides everyone to their lodging arrangements, whether it be an inn, temple, private residence, or otherwise. However, some opt to let the enchanting melody linger in the venue until the spell naturally wanes, often half a day later, and occasionally during summer, revelers may choose to spend the night in the same location as the celebration.

Priestly Vestments

Ceremonial Garb
Eilistraee's priestesses typically adorn themselves with long hair as a homage to the goddess, but they lack prescribed ceremonial attire. Instead, they are encouraged to don minimal clothing during official rituals.   Dress and Armor
During leisure time, priestesses opt for silver, translucent robes, yet for duties or combat, they select attire suited to the task at hand, such as battle armor—preferably enchanted and crafted by drow—aprons for culinary tasks, and leather gear for hunting pursuits.   Holy Symbols
The holy symbols of the faith include a hand-sized silver sword pendant, a depiction of a silver bastard sword against a silver moon encircled by silvery threads, and an image of a nude, long-haired female drow dancing with a silver sword in front of a full moon. These symbols are commonly worn as brooches or suspended around the neck using delicate silver or mithril chains.   Weapons
In battle, the priestesses have to wield swords when possible, and bladed weapons are preferred to other instruments when swords were not available. Longbows and silver-tipped arrows are usually used as secondary weapons.  
Dark Maiden temples are usually situated at cavern mouths or within woodlands, providing accessibility to the surface for her adherents. Establishments in the Underdark or near the surface are uncommon. When location isn't constrained, sites are chosen much like those devoted to The Seldarine, favoring natural settings that require minimal alteration, allowing for harmonious coexistence with the environment and leaving little impact. Typical temple features may include a moonlit glade for dancing, secluded areas away from daylight, dense tree cover, a freshwater stream, a forge for crafting weaponry, a passage to the Underdark, and access to metal deposits for crafting. However, a shrine dedicated to the Dark Maiden necessitates only a moonlit glade and a captivating song to inspire dance.   Eilistraeen communities usually form around temples and shrines, and many are connected through a network of Moonspring portals.

Tenets of Faith

On helping others
  • Aid and protect all folks in need, regardless of race, strength, or demeanor.
  • Foster harmony and acceptance among all races through actions and advocacy.
  • Support those who champion righteousness and fight for good causes
  • Show kindness to others, even in the face of rudeness or hostility.
  • Treat strangers as friends, offering hospitality and assistance as needed.
  • Provide food and shelter to hungry travelers and the homeless, even under one's own roof.
  • Extend help, protection, and support to those encountered during travel or adventure.
  • Patrol the surrounding lands, especially in harsh conditions, to assist the lost, injured, or those suffering from cold.
  • Offer prayers and offerings to the goddess through acts of service and assistance to those in need.
Promoting Joy, Arts and Beauty
  • Spread happiness and merriment wherever you go, uplifting spirits with kindness, joy, and celebration.
  • Cultivate and enhance beauty in all its forms, encouraging the practice of music, dance, and artistic expression.
  • Learn, share, and preserve songs, dances, and musical skills, passing on the joy they bring to others.
  • Dedicate yourself to the art of swordplay, continuously honing and mastering new techniques with the blade.
  •   Some Drow Promote those tenets aswell:
  • Embrace the joy of food by mastering culinary skills and exploring diverse recipes and spices.
  • Carry provisions to offer assistance to those who hunger, ensuring none are left without sustenance.
  • Contribute surplus food to priestesses of Eilistraee for distribution, ensuring no one goes hungry within the community.
Relationships with the Drow and the FFaith
  • Encourage the return of drow to the surface world whenever opportunities arise, fostering their integration into non-evil societies.
  • Advocate for peace and harmony between drow and other races, supporting their rightful place in the world.
  • Provide assistance and protection to any drow in danger or distress, regardless of circumstance.
  • Seek to resolve conflicts swiftly and with minimal violence, prioritizing peaceful solutions.
  • Share the message of Eilistraee with all drow encountered, promoting her teachings of goodness and reconciliation.
Conflict and War
  • Respond to violence with decisive action, swiftly neutralizing threats to minimize harm.
  • Offer the bodies of evil adversaries as sacrifices to the goddess, except when they can provide sustenance to the hungry and are non-sentient.
  • Extend solace and support to those grieving the loss of faithful companions and allies, offering comfort and performing funeral rites, including a solemn song and burial ceremony.
Wealth and Slavery
  • Employ wealth for acquiring necessities like food, weaponry, armor, and musical instruments, and for furthering the goddess's cause.
  • When extending assistance to others, accept only a token in return, such as a tool, favor, or quality weapon or armor, that aids in fulfilling the goddess's will.
  • Abhor slavery and strive to eradicate it wherever encountered.
  • Prohibit the practice of enslaving others among the followers of Eilistraee and those of outside the faith.
  • Utilize prisoners of war for labor in exchange for sustenance and lodging, ensuring they are not owned or subjected to commands except under specific circumstances determined by appointed supervisors within the Eilistraeean community.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Eilistraee manifests as a stunning drow woman radiating beauty, standing at an impressive height of 9 feet (2.7 meters). Her form is slender yet robust, adorned with lustrous, obsidian-hued skin. Typically unclothed, she is veiled by cascading silver hair and surrounded by shimmering moonlight.   With features reminiscent of her mother, Lolth, Eilistraee possesses delicate yet defined facial contours, distinguished by large, expressive eyes that subtly shift in hue akin to moonstone's blue tones.   Her melodic voice holds an irresistible charm, drawing mortals near with its enchanting cadence. This allure, devoid of magical influence, resonates like a captivating melody, captivating all who hear it.   Encountering Eilistraee evokes profound emotions, stirring awe and reverence within mortals. Those who gaze upon her feel as though they've found solace for their deepest yearnings. However, upon her departure, a sense of longing and melancholy briefly lingers, a testament to her profound impact.

Special abilities

Eilistraee often reveals her presence through a radiant silver glow, sometimes accompanied by snippets of song or the gentle hum of a harp. This luminous manifestation serves myriad purposes for her followers: guiding the lost through dense forests, illuminating darkened spaces, aiding in childbirth, and providing blessings to worshippers. Those blessed by her light find their swords impervious to damage and imbued with greater striking power, while living beings gain enhanced agility and resilience in battle, along with increased accuracy and effectiveness against magical foes.   Another iconic aspect of Eilistraee's presence is her song, a captivating melody that beckons the drow towards a new path in life. Wherever and whenever the goddess appears, her ethereal song accompanies her, evoking a range of emotions from profound sorrow to tender comfort. Sometimes, Eilistraee materializes herself to bestow blessings or uplift her followers, her enchanting tune echoing in the ears of those fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of her. Often seen from a distance, perched gracefully atop a distant hill or castle turret, her flowing silver hair trailing behind her, she remains an elusive figure to most. Occasionally, she manifests during festivities dedicated to her, dancing amidst the flames of bonfires, or appears veiled in the darkness of the night to travelers in the forest, testing their compassion.   At times, Eilistraee bestows her blessings upon the devout or even those who, though not followers, honor her with a solitary dance, transforming their hair into a shimmering mane of silver flames that dance and flicker. This divine gift may endure for a month or even become a permanent fixture. Moreover, she frequently appears when one of her priests guides a new convert in prayer, viewing such acts of devotion as offerings to her.   On rare occasions, she may grant a lay follower who has faithfully served her cause the temporary ability to conjure her moonfire. This manifestation could signify her favor or simply serve as illumination. However, the recipient wields no control over the moonfire's duration, intensity, or placement—those decisions rest solely with the goddess.  
Other Manifestation
The distant sound of a hunting horn serves as another symbol linked to the Dark Maiden. Eilistraee often summons it to rally or embolden her followers, or to intimidate bandits or orc raiders who may mistake it for reinforcements arriving to aid those under attack. In times of peace, worshippers interpret the horn's call as a sign that someone nearby requires their assistance.   Eilistraee displays her favor and contentment through various signs, such as the discovery of rare minerals or gems like mithral, moonbars, moonstones, and silver. She may also inspire individuals with sudden creativity, leading them to compose beautiful songs or poems, or to craft magnificent swords for those with the skill to do so.   Nevertheless, the Dark Dancer can also express her displeasure. This may manifest as a chilling breeze, a sudden sensation of coldness in one's extremities, a loss of inspiration or artistic talent, or a failure to catch anything while hunting.  
Additional Abilities
Eilistraee embodies nurturing and artistic qualities evident in her magical abilities and craftsmanship. Specializing in powers linked to nature, life, and enchantment, she is adept at creating magical items associated with beauty, music, moonlight, hunting, and swordsmanship.   Before her roles as warrior and huntress, Eilistraee's primary identity lies in being a bard and artist. She excels in dance, song, acrobatics, and music, evoking profound emotions in allies and enemies. Her performances inspire courage, dispel doubt, and sharpen focus, transcending emotional barriers even in those typically unaffected by such artistry.   Music and song are central to Eilistraee's magic, known as Spellsong. This enchanting melody heals, creates, and safeguards, enabling practitioners to journey afar and perceive distant lands' harmonies under the moonlight. Through Spellsong, Eilistraee instructs her followers to heed the songs of distant realms, allowing them to traverse through moonlit pathways, guided by rhythm and dance.   While her prowess in battle takes a back seat to her bardic magic and artistic talents, Eilistraee is a capable fighter. She defends her people with a combination of agile swordplay and lethal strikes, wielding her bastard sword with skill honed from her dance. Additionally, her archery skills, though she abandoned the bow after a tragic incident, and her expertise in magic, nature, and faith are undeniable.   Additionally, possessing the typical powers and divine senses of a deity of her stature, the Dark Dancer instantly senses threats to good-aligned drow, her followers, or drow considering renouncing the faith of the Dark Seldarine, provided their number exceeds five hundred.

Specialized Equipment

When choosing to be clothed, Eilistraee's avatar may don deep brown leather boots, enabling silent and traceless movement at her discretion. These boots possess the combined abilities of elvenkind, varied tracks, and those of the north. Additionally, she can don a dappled green cloak that adapts its hue to match the surroundings, granting invisibility in natural settings, courtesy of a combination of elvenkind cloak and chameleon power ring.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eilistraee was born the daughter of Corellon Larethien, head of the elven gods, and Araushnee the Weaver (who later took the name of Lolth), a minor elven goddess. She was the sister of Vhaeraun.

Personality Characteristics


Due to a past filled with sorrow and witnessing the hardships endured by her people, Eilistraee carries profound melancholy and sadness within her heart. This emotional weight poses a formidable challenge, capable of burdening her spirit. Yet, it has also cultivated in her a determination to seek and nurture beauty, even in the bleakest places like the Underdark, where it seems scarce. Eilistraee counters her melancholy by striving to infuse hope and joy into moments of sorrow, ensuring that despair does not overshadow life's beauty. She finds solace and happiness in tranquility and artistic expression, particularly through the mediums of music and dance. Simple pleasures, such as observing artists at work, witnessing acts of kindness, and experiencing the tenderness of love, bring her immense delight. Eilistraee derives particular satisfaction from aiding the less fortunate in practical ways, extending compassion to outcasts, and inspiring artists with sudden bursts of creativity and inspiration.   In her youth, Eilistraee possessed a spirited nature and an unpredictable temper, traits that persisted as she matured. Her fiery disposition often led her to take bold and impulsive actions, particularly in defense of her faithful when they faced harm. The pervasive evil inflicted and perpetuated by many drow ignited a burning anger within her, prompting occasional outbursts. However, she finds solace in the knowledge that some have managed to break free from the influence of the Spider Queen.


Contacts & Relations

Relationship with the Moons of Theras
Eilistraee has special relationship with Sehanine Moonbow, however she is more connected to Luna, since the Dark Elves find the moon of [tooltip:On account of the color of their hair.Lune[/tooltip] more appealing.  
Eilistraee's allies are the elven gods of The Seldarine, as well as Lune, Lurue, Ehlonna, Haela Brightaxe, Callarduran Smoothhands, and the other good deities of the Underdark races. She is very fond of Hlal and it is told to be a subservient to him.  
Relationship with The Seldarine
Although Eilistraee and The Seldarine are allies, their relationship is fraught with difficulty due to the longstanding division between elves and Drow, and the negative perception many elves hold toward their "Dark Kin". This tension is particularly evident in Eilistraee's uneasy truce with Shevarash, as she strives to maintain politeness toward all elven powers but maintains a closer bond only with Erevan Ilesere.  
Eilistraee's adversaries include the drow deities of the Dark Seldarine—such as Kiaransalee, Ghaunadaur, her nephew Selvetarm, her brother Vhaeraun, and notably her own mother Lolth. Additionally, she opposes other malevolent deities of the Underdark, including Deep Duerra and Laduguer, Blibdoolpoolp the Blood Queen, Diinkarazan and Diirinka The Great Mother, Gzemnid, Ilsensine, Ilxendren, Laogzed, and Maanzecorian before his demise. She also regards Menas, a rival and evil god of the hunt in the surface world, as an adversary.  
Relationship with Lolth
Lolth stands as Eilistraee's primary adversary. The Dark Maiden is deeply angered by her mother's malevolence and decadence, tirelessly endeavoring to liberate the drow from her tyranny and guide them back to the surface realm.   Under Lolth's command, all worshipers of the Dark Maiden are persecuted, and any information about her is systematically suppressed. The clergy of the Spider Queen labor to conceal Eilistraee's presence from the drow, fearing the disruptive potential of her message. They particularly dread the allure of the Dark Maiden's call, which beckons the dark elves to the surface and reveals the beauty of a life denied to them. Every effort is made to obstruct the drow from hearing or heeding this call, as it threatens to lead them away from Lolth's dominion.  
Relationship with Selvetarm
Selvetarm once held admiration for his aunt, Eilistraee, and was inspired by her to embrace goodness. They developed a close bond, and Eilistraee harbored hope that Selvetarm's benevolent nature might persuade The Seldarine to collaborate with her in reuniting the drow and the elves. However, this hope was dashed when Lolth deceived the young demigod, leading to his tragic downfall.  
Eilistraee's followers include various beings, whom she dispatches as her emissaries: Aasimar, aasimon (especially lights), asuras, cath shee, einheriar, eladrins, mercury dragons, elven cats, feystags, frosts, hollyphants, incarnates of faith and hope, lythari, mist dragons, moon dogs, moon horses, pixies, radiance quasielementals, revered ones, Silver dogs, silver dragons, sprites, sunflies, tieflings, and silver-striped tabby cats or ordinary animals with solid silver-colored eyes. Silver moths may also convey messages on behalf of the goddess.
The Dark Maiden;
The Dark Dancer;
The Moonlit Muse;
The Enchanting Emissary;
The Silver Serenade;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Beauty, dance, hunting, moonlight, song, swordwork, Good Dark Elves
Chaos (Azata, Entropy, Protean, Revcelry, Riot, Whimsy), Community, Charm, Darkness (Moon), Elf, Good, Travel
Unclad female drow with long hair dancing before a full moon with a silver bastard sword
Good drow, surface-dwelling elves, hunters
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
The Moonsword (bastard sword)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

The Dark Maiden is particularly close to her people. Aside from providing practical help in their everyday life, she is known to offer comfort and support in various ways, including listening to them as they let out or vented their personal emotions and experiences (see Activities). When the right time comes, she also personally accompanies her followers who dont't die in battle to their afterlife in a moving celebration known as the Last Dance. Eilistraee doesn't test her followers, as the challenges of life are enough of a test themselves. She values the intent behind their actions more than the actual success.  


  • Sword Dancers
    Specialized clerics of the Dark Maiden are known as Sword Dancers. They are excellent dancers and spellsingers, known to use an agile and acrobatic fencing style resembling a dance. The sword dancers lead missions to find, assist, and protect any drow looking to return to the surface (or that could be made to return) and embrace a different life. They are skilled diplomats, especially active near the settlements of elves and other races, working to establish peace and cooperation between drow and surface dwellers.
  • Silverhair Knights
    The Silverhair Knights are an order of clerics of Eilistraee completely dedicated to the redemption and subsequent protection of drow followers of Lolth, Vhaeraun, and other deities of the Dark Seldarine. They fully embrace the teaching of Eilistraee about showing mercy and compassion, and fight these dark elves only using non-lethal means, hoping to make them understand the error of their ways and choose a different life. Like the Sword Dancers, they often embark on missions within Lolthite settlements, aiming to find and rescue drow who are in danger or seeking an alternative.
  • Darksong Knights
    The Darksong Knights are an elite order of Eilistraeeans, mostly active in the lands to the west, beneath the lands of ancient homeland of the Drow. Each member of this order is a battle-priest who choose to devote their life not only to furthering the Dark Maiden's goals, but also to the destruction of yochlol and other demons and minions of Lolth, for they are the cause of the corruption and fall of the drow people.
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