House Etenil Organization in Theras | World Anvil

House Etenil

House Etenil, is a Wood Elf realm that had their autonomy saved for themselves. This house is a rival of House Doril and they are considered not loyal subjects of the Octoland. The Old Kyth Order devouted many of its resources to keep watchful eyes on Etenil.   The Leader of Etenil, as some called him, the King of Etenil, was a close kin of Arwil, the queen of Owhain. These Elves, were having joint excercises with Amon-Thal and being actually the long arm of Amon-Thal.   The House of Etenil suffered a lot during the invasion of the Kadian Dominion, having their forests burned, however the Elves stood valiantly and inflicted most of the heavy losses on the Kadians during the term of their activities in the war.


In Coppernium 1051, House Ugran betrayed Etenil and invasion from the south came and they routed most of the elves, killing them in the thousands, while having few of the groves there intact, as the nature creatures of the forest, had begun to strike back heavily against any violent against it.   The Amon-Thalian fleet had many transports, and warriors had joined many battalions of the Woodrealm, and banding together, they to save refugees from the onslaught, leaving the Kadian Dominion overwhelmed and thus saving many lives of their Kin. The Amon-Thalian. House Etenil and his king went to exile, coming back to the Woodrealm, ever planning their vengeance on the Dominion. Their symbol was that ofg a hawk and a panther.

700 AB - 1051 AB

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