Khro Arkammar Clan Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Khro Arkammar Clan

Khro Arkammar, also known as the Deepwater Legion are the most eastern clan of Khazad-Ram. Contrary to the belief that dwarves hate waters, those sea-venturing dwarves are known for their skill in sailing and navigation. They operate a merchant fleet large enough to flood the ports of The Rich Shore of Abaisgar.   The Deepwater Legion clan of dwarves is one of the wealthiest and most influential clans in the entire kingdom of Khazad-Ram. They have had amassed great wealth through their seafaring ventures, which include a vast fleet of merchant ships and warships. The clan was led by a council of elders, but in reality, the true power lay in the hands of a small group of wealthy and influential families.   Despite their vast wealth and influence, the Deepwater Legion clan is not well-liked by the other dwarven clans. They are seen as greedy and selfish, concerned only with their own wealth and power. Their reluctance to employ dwarves soldiers in the defense of their fleet is a particular point of contention, as many felt that the clan is shirking their duty to the kingdom.   The Deepwater Legion clan is a strategic and calculating group, relying on their close alliances with the neighboring allies of Kingdom of Arasil and Chancellery of Rhovasil for protection. The clan's ports are fiercely guarded by dwarf warriors, but out on the open seas, they entrust their vessels to the experienced soldiers of their allies.   The other clans often accuse the Deepwater Legion of trying to buy their way into positions of power within the kingdom. They claim that the clan uses its vast wealth to bribe officials and manipulate the political process to their advantage. Some even whisper that the Deepwater Legion has secret ties to outside forces, such as pirates or foreign kingdoms, and that their interests do not always align with those of Khazad-Ram.   In the bustling cities of Khazad-Ram, the Deepwater Legion is synonymous with wealth and prosperity. They cleverly place their influential family members in key positions within the kingdom, from the priesthood and clerkship to the assembly of Nozkron eron unroll Thrumm. This strategy ensure the clan's interests are always well-represented, and their power continue to grow.   However, as tensions within the kingdom began to rise and outside forces threatened the safety of Khazad-Ram, many began to question the wisdom of allowing the Deepwater Legion clan to hold such immense power. Some called for the council of elders to be disband and for new leadership to be chosen from among the other clans. But whether this would happen remained to be seen, as the Deepwater Legion is not about to give up their wealth and influence without a fight.


The real power of Khro Arkhammer power, came in the 4th century, with their close alliance of Kingdom of Arasil.
Founding Date
533 BB
Ruling Organization
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