Argemonte Organization in Theras | World Anvil


The Duchy of Argemonte is a small duchy in middle Epeoris. It is the smallest sovereign entity on the continent both in terms of territory and of population, and produces the largest amount of silver among them; this allows the duchy to remain neutral in many conflicts, specifically the one between the Yokun Empire and the Kadian Dominion. Spread among four cities, the Argemontesque people are virtually all rich and are known for their hospitality and their general friendly attitude.


The island of La Tasse is entirely made of silver, providing much of the economic power of the duchy. It provides 48% of all silver in the continent, and is the principal reason for the Ivory Route starting at Argemonte.   Argemonti sailors, navigators, and mapmakers fervently keep the sailing charts for sailing to La Tasse island and La Plaque island, making it impossible for outsiders to traverse the treacherous waters of Belligerent's Bay.


Following The Second Sun and the forming of Belligerent's Bay, local multi-ethnic groups were isolated for some decades, coalescing into a single culture.


Argemonte lies in a mountainous-seaside area and is comprised of several isolated cities; this isolation is beneficial, as the possible conquest of one city is unlikely to aid in the conquest of another. Those cities are, essentially, only reachable by sailing a notoriously difficult area of Belligerent's Bay which the local sailors can navigate with ease.


Argemonte lacks any military force save for city guards. Due to its unique position, both politically and geographically, maintaing an army is not only uselss but also futile; both the Aderian Royal Army and the Yotseregs have more soldiers than the duchy has citizens.


  • Map of Argemonte
Geopolitical, Duchy
Predecessor Organizations
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities



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