Basilica of Saint Agustin Building / Landmark in Theras | World Anvil

Basilica of Saint Agustin

The Basilica of Saint Agustin is a basilica in the Kingdom of Agy built where Agustin Andor, Envoy of Rhaan, is believed to have been born. It is the largest place of worship of The Four on Epeoris, and its construction was ordered by Saint Verona, an Agyer noblewoman who converted to the faith of the Andorian Church together with her subjects.


The entire complex has a white marble facade which is also used for the courtyard floors, while the inner floors are tiled with other kinds of marble and elaborate mosaics made of precious metals. The structures are made of cement and masonry, with monolithic limestone support columns and aerarnofio beams.   The balconies and railings of the basilica are covered with golden mosaic of the first, second, third and fourth dogmas; the central balcony, above the shrines, is made of black marble and supported by gold plated arches. The balcony is either used for sermons and masses or for greeting honorable guests.   The basilica has four prominent towers, known as culemina, each of whom housing a chapel dedicated to one of the four; two of the towers face the front of the main building, while the other two face its right and left. Each culemina has small decorative brass-plated platform surrounding it right below the chapel floor, while their roof is plated with several different kinds of electrum; the different gold-to-silver ratios create a wide range of appearances, ranging from tarnished-silver black and shimmering gold-silver.   At the front of the basilica are three niches that house shrines to Andorian saints behind three gold-plated archways; the two extreme archways are closed shut with glass interlaced with muradinite; the central archway is open and leads to an oval niche where a muradinite mesh covers the walls. The mesh and and glasses are carefully designed to destructively interfere with the vocal range of humanoids, rendering any form of speech inside the niches all but impossible; this facilitates solemn, silent contemplation for devotees.   The two arcades leading into the main building are plated in dark purple hepatizon, a stark contrast to the basilica's overall bright color; barely any light illuminates the arcades and it is difficult to see inside them, hurrying worshippers leave them and proceed into the basilica's vestibule.
The lower floors of the basilica, accesible either from the aisles or from the arcades, contain archeological findings excavated in the area, likely the ruins of the settlement where Agustin lived prior to his journey through the Amadals. These findings are considered to be sacred and it is forbidden to depict them in art; pilgrims often observe them and light candles in designated areas nearby them. The three most important are: a ruined building, believed to be Agustin's hovel, where prayers for fertility are common; a cistern, where prayers for financial prosperity are common; and a large millstone, where prayers for health are most common.   The nave of the basilica is brightly illuminated with daylight regardless of the time of the day  


Originally there were only two shrines at the front of the basilica; the right dedicated to Saint Agustin, and the left dedicated to any other saints of the Andorian church. Following Veronica's death and her canonization as a saint by the church, the architects altered the plans and added a third, central niche, which houses a shrine dedicated to Saint Verona.


Even before the basilica was built or even planned, pilgrimage to the site of Agustin's birthplace was mandatory for arch-priests, arch-bishops, and cardinals of the Andorian Church prior to their ordination. Since its construction, it became a popular site of pilgrimage for laymen and clergy alike; this status necessitates amicable diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Agy and the Kadian Dominion as a whole.

Vetiti Saecularia

The Vetiti Saecularia is a decree prohibits contamination of the basilica with the mundanity of daily lives. It extends to any and all visitors and pilgrims, regardless of their status as nobility, royalty, clergy, or diplomats; the basilimikrons, who all reside within the complex, are exempt. Shoes of any sort are disallowed to be worn anywhere within the central complex, and the surrounding foyers are stacked with shelves for visitors to put footwear in. At every exit from the foyers are small fountains filled with flowing water from the nearby hot springs where worshippers are to wash their feet, hands, and faces before continuing further. Basilimikrons in contrast are obligated to wear moccasins around the central complex and either walk barefoot in their quarters or use other footwear.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
The Basilica of Saint Agustin


The area beneath the basilica holds a crypt reserved for members of house Dislerf, certain members of Kadian royalty, and figures of great importance in church canon; each group has its own distinct sections. This includes arch priests, cardinalii cardinalum, arch bishops, and monarchs; notable figures whose tombs are within the crypt include Percival the Reckless, Saint Verona, , and Kairoz Andoriani II and Vivabella Dislerf (buried together). Since Vivabella was Kairoz's wife, she was buried both as royalty and as a direct descendent of Veronica; as they were buried as a couple, their tomb is the only one to be in the same hall as Verona's tomb, with decorative columns seperating between the tombs.
The layout of the basilica, including the additional third alter, as approved by the Andorian Church (click to see full image).


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