Kyton Species in Theras | World Anvil


Kytons, also known as chain devils, are the embodiment of sadistic cruelty. These fiendish torturers relish in inflicting agonizing pain upon the souls of mortals. Their very form reflects their dark purpose.   Kytons possess a terrifying ability to assume the faces of deceased individuals familiar to their victims. This transformation manifests in the lower half of their faces, often enough to evoke the intended visage in the victim's mind. This unnerving spectacle can send victims fleeing in terror or paralyze them with shock, creating openings for further torment.  
Kytons are nightmares made flesh. They possess an unsettling regenerative ability, healing any injury without a trace of blood. Lost limbs grow back, or they may simply reattach them. Cold and weak enchantments have no effect on them. Only silver weapons, more potent enchantments, or blessed weapons can inflict harm. However, blessed blades have an additional effect – slowing their regeneration, making them vulnerable for a limited time.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The souls of sadistic or masochistic mortals can become Kyton. Diverted from the Hades towards the Shadowfell, these souls are then transformed into new Kyton by their fiendish kin.

Ecology and Habitats

Some Kyton leverage their expertise for profit, serving as mercenaries for powerful devils like Mammon.   Since their retun to Baator, Kytons serve as the sadistic wardens and tormentors of Baator. They are tasked with extracting the most exquisite suffering from the damned souls who find themselves there. These fiends often collaborated with other pain-specializing devils, forming relentless torture teams that relentlessly brutalized their victims until both hope and magical energy were utterly extinguished.


Kytons are defined by their sadistic personalities. They derive immense pleasure from inflicting pain, their cruelty surpassing even that of most devils. This depraved nature makes them valuable tools for any entity willing to tolerate their brutality. Kytons are not simply mindless torturers; they are masters of dread. They take a perverse delight in meticulously crafting methods to instill the most profound terror in their victims. Whether stalking prey from the shadows, engaging in a chilling chase, or drawing out a slow, agonizing torment, kytons employ a chilling strategy designed to maximize their victim's fear. Their predations are fueled by a barely contained glee, a horrifying reflection of their twisted souls.   Kytons are methodical in their cruelty. After stalking their prey, they often attempt to capture them alive, ensuring prolonged suffering. In battle, they become whirling dervishes, lashing out with animated chains and dodging attacks with astonishing agility. The Gift of Chains is reserved for desperate situations or when they believe it will maximize the terror they inflict. However, blessed weapons send a chill of fear through their twisted hearts, prompting them to retreat and seek a more advantageous position.   Kyton consider themselves above the mundane concepts of good and evil. Their singular pursuit of peak experiences transcends such limitations. They approach their quest for the ultimate sensation with the fervor of scientist-artists, viewing any cost as justifiable in their relentless pursuit of the secrets held by the ultimate being.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The earliest Kyton coalesced from the most depraved and selfish thoughts of the first mortals. Their hideous forms were deemed so vile that the gods themselves imprisoned them in the depths of Hell. However, the cunning Kyton managed to escape, finding refuge in the Hades and later on Shadowfell.   Many Kyton have chosen to return to Hell, where they seem to thrive.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Despite their history of imprisonment by the gods and conflict with the Devils, the Kyton have established an embassy in Dis. This unexpected alliance positions them as important allies to the devils.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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