Lindmor Myth in Theras | World Anvil


Lindmor, The King-Shaman-Druid of the North is a title that is reserved to the reincarnation that happens every lifetime in the north, under the holy matrimony of the Tiefling and Aasimar marriage that the Northern culture held dear to heart. Lindmor, was always the male of this union, no matter the race and he was one of the uncontested rulers of the north, up until the year 1 AB, when the self proclaimed king of Bafigorn dynasty, challanged him to battle. It was a battle of Arcane against the Primal forces of the world... Up to today, there is no record of a reincarnation of Lindmor ever again (that is because the reincarnation, according to legends, occur only when the marriage of a tiefling and an Aasimar is officiated in the lands of the Grand Duchy of Albiril, the original home of the Northern Culture).   While many accounts differ, Lindmor the 7th, had done a huge atrocity by the druidic culture and taught the northern people the true ways of the Druids and its secret langauge. Because of this act of defiance and betrayal, the druids were divided into the two... the non-human races that were druids and saw this an affornt to all its holy and the northern Human druids.   After many millenias, the heirs of Lindmor were defeated, but not because of the Druids - The rise of Bafigron Empire, the Neo-Mendeynns rose up and expanded into the northern regions, there with the help of the divine magic and initially, the arcane power that they once had, claimed the northern regions. There are few remnants of this old druidic supporters of Lindmor that claim that Lindmor is alive.
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