Aasimar Species in Theras | World Anvil


Carrying the blood of a celestial, an aasimar is usually an invididual who irridates goodness and fights against evil in the world. Some have a minor physical trait suggesting their heritage, such as silver hair, golden eyes, or an nnaturally intense stare.

Basic Information


The Aasimars are divided into several types:
  • Idyllkin
    Agathion-Blooded or Idyllkin possess bestial aspectsand calm dispositions, and often act as peaceful intermediaries between lawful and chaotic agents of good. Like their agathion ancestors, idyllkin seek to spread good in its purest form, unconcerned with the trivialities of chaos and law. They often travel from place to place to spread their righteous wisdom, and recruit both intelligent creatures and animals to their cause.   Idyllkin often possess bestial qualities such as dragon scales, fish scales, fur, manes, or talons. Slit pupils, pronounced canines, and furry ears are all common indicators of an aasimar’s agathion background. Just as agathions take on different traits depending on their animal aspect, so too do idyllkin. Descendants of avorals often possess feathery hair and enjoy wide-open areas such as plains, while the progeny of leonals are aggressive and often have sharp, clawlike fingernails. Many idyllkin, regardless of their animal aspect, feel called to walk the path of the druid, and idyllkin are among the most likely aasimars to become such protectors of nature.
  • Angelkin
    Angel-Blooded aasimars—called angelkin by many—follow the righteous paths their celestial ancestors walked, and are as varied as angels in how they go about their virtuous duties, split evenly among those who embrace law, neutrality, or chaos.   Of all the aasimars, angelkin are the type who perhaps most often clash with tieflings. Angelkin have difficulty embracing the idea of harmony when it comes to their corrupt cousins, and most see tieflings as embodiments of evil that can never be trusted. It takes extraordinary circumstances for most angelkin to cooperate with tieflings, and even then, alliances are rarely more than fleeting.
  • Lawbringer
    Archon-Blooded, who are also known as Lawbringers reflect the patience of their archon ancestors in their daily lives; they understand the need for rules and routines, and use their inherent discipline to train in their chosen field as they seek to do good. They develop their talents faster than most of their peers and show exceptional skill at whatever they focus their attention on.   Lawbringers feel most comfortable in regions where a clear hierarchy and system of justice exists, preferably alongside good people and honest rulers.
  • Musetouched
    Azata-Blooded, also known as Musetouched The capricious aasimars known as musetouched are the most likely of their kind to be found adventuring throughout lands both civilized and remote. Imbued with an undeniable spirit of wanderlust, musetouched feel the constant urge to explore new places, meet new people, and ferret out evil and corruption wherever they lurk.   Of all the aasimars, musetouched tend to be among the most beautiful by most humans’ standards. They possess features with an unearthly charm, such as long, thick hair of a seemingly impossible hue and limpid, jeweltoned eyes. Musetouched are commonly possessed of innate musical talent and a love for melodies, and many train as bards while they wander.
  • Plumekith
    Garudas are noble but impetuous birdlike celestials, and most garuda-blooded aasimars grow graceful feathers during puberty. The majority of these aasimars have shimmering wings; the wings can be of virtually any shade, ranging from metallic colors to muted hues to pure white, or rarely, glossy black. Plumekith are sometimes born with taloned fingers or toes, and occasionally amber eyes like those of an eagle.   Like their celestial ancestors, plumekith tend to take action at the spur of the moment when their abilities seem needed. Plumekith rush into the heat of battle to face off against evildoers, only stopping to ask questions afterward. Plumekith often have an extreme hatred for nagas and other snakelike creatures, a racial disdain no doubt stemming back to their garuda forebears.
  • Emberkin
    Emberkin reveal their divine heritage through their skill with fire-based magic and their desire to repent for others’ sins. Many emberkin suffer from frequent nightmares and strange impulses to commit spontaneous acts of evil. They typically have igneous features such as wispy auburn hair and bright yellow eyes, and a rare few are born with albino skin. emberkin often feel an insatiable need to continually perform acts of good. Some are content to perform small acts of kindness at home, though they may feel driven to travel regularly in order to find pockets of true evil that they can eradicate.   Like all aasimars, emberkin are not necessarily compelled to embrace good and justice. Perhaps more so than most of their celestial kin, emberkin have a propensity to revolt against their benevolent predisposition and instead follow a darker path. Perhaps these emberkin are evil by nature, or perhaps it is a remnant of their fallen angel ancestry. Either way, such wicked individuals are often dangerous, and are both pitied and hunted down by their aasimar brethren.

Biological Traits

aasimar are plane-touched creatures that can’t quite be called human. In their veins flows the blood of both humankind and one of the races of the Upper Planes - the rilmani, the eladrins, or the guardinals. Aasimar are beautiful creatures, with calm, serene features and an inner radiance that shines from their faces. They’ve got long manes of white-gold hair, and bright, piercing eyes that seem to look right though a basher. It’s easy to mistake an aasimar for a human of unnatural purity, a half-elf, or even an agathinon. Aasimar tend to be noble, honest, and courageous cutters, but a body shouldn’t always assume an aasimar means him well.   There are a few cross-traders and knights of the post among the aasimar, despite their noble birth.

Ecology and Habitats

Their expertise at fitting in with their settings makes them model citizens. They are upright and honest i their dealings, live clean and moral lives, and aren’t afraid stand up for what’s right. This is all fine on the Upper Planes, but in neutral places like the Outlands it means that aasimar are born troublemakers. They’ve got an uncanny ability to ferret out underhanded schemes and put a stop to them.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Aasimar can eat about anything a civilized human can. They have little liking for raw meat, fiery brews, or other such fare. Most aasimar have very discriminating palates and enjoy only the finest viands and wines of mortals.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Aasimar are scattered throughout the Outlands and Upper and Neutral Planes, but naturally avoid prolonged stays on any of the Lower Planes. (They’re too likely to be mistaken for an aasimon of some kind, and a tanar’ri or baatezu can’t stand the sight of an aasimon.)

Civilization and Culture

Courtship Ideals

Aasimar commonly intermarry with the people around them; in fact, it’s rare to find an aasimar bloodline more than four or five generations old. Unlike tieflings, aasimar are rarely outcasts or orphans. Instead, they usually have the benefit of a respectable upbringing on the side of their mortal parent. On rare occasions, aasimar are born into prime-material worlds where no one knows their true heritage. In these settings, the young aasimar often becomes a great leader or hero.

Relationship Ideals

Aasimars prefer to blend in with their neighbors and form no independent societies. They tend to be great travelers and wanderers, since they are welcomed anywhere on the Upper Planes and can pass without notice in most other places. Some aasimar set themselves up as traders and merchants; these cutters do a good business, since everyone knows they’re trustworthy. In fact, when an aasimar bobs some sod, he’s likely to get away with it since most people’ll take his word over his victim’s.

Common Dress Code

They usually dress to fit in with the population around them, so an aasimar living among the elven folk of Arborea dresses like an Elf and assumes many of his hosts’ mannerisms. When an aasimar’s moved to great emotion, his heritage shines through his face like sunlight through clouds. There aren’t many evil bashers who can look an angry aasimar in the eye.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

There’s a natural rivalry between tieflings and aasimar. Tieflings heartily resent them because their mixed heritage isn’t perceived as a fault, like the tieflings’ own commonly is. To the tiefling mind, an aasimar is a coddled half-breed who’s had everything handed to him on a silver plate. Aasimar find it difficult not to be suspicious of tieflings in return.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
Aasimar are upright and fair warriors with deep reserves of strength and faith. Unfortunately, their mixed blood makes them somewhat frail. It’s real hard to sneak up on aasimar; they’ve got senses like a cat’s. it seems.

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