Lindar Tribes Organization in Theras | World Anvil

Lindar Tribes

The Communist tribes of Lindar prioritize cooperation and cooperation over individual accumulation of wealth or power. They view the land and its resources as common property, and decisions are made collectively through consensus-based processes.  

Druidic Traditions

The Lindish tribes, deeply rooted in their druidic traditions, hold a profound belief in the significance of the union between Aasimars and Tieflings. They view this union as a sacred bond that has the potential to bring forth the reincarnation of Lindmor, the legendary King-Shaman-Druid of the North. The Lindish tribes see it as their noble purpose to fight for the preservation and acceptance of Aasimars and Tieflings, hoping that such unions will generate the return of Lindmor and the restoration of their revered leader.   In their quest to safeguard the Aasimar and Tiefling heritage, the Lindish tribes face numerous challenges. They must contend with the prejudices and biases of other cultures, as well as the political and social complexities of the world around them. The Lindish people understand that their struggle for acceptance and unity is essential to the fulfillment of their prophecy and the resurgence of Lindmor.   By championing the cause of Aasimars and Tieflings, the Lindish tribes strive to create an environment where the sacred union can occur within the lands of the Grand Duchy of Albiril. They believe that only within this ancestral home of the Northern Culture can the conditions align for the rebirth of Lindmor, heralding a new era of spiritual leadership and harmony between the natural and arcane forces.


The Albirilish people, known for their aggressive and expansionist tendencies, often target Lindar due to ideological differences and the desire to control the resources of the region. In order to defend themselves against these raids, the Communist tribes have developed a system of communal defense. They train their members in guerrilla warfare tactics, utilizing their knowledge of the land and their strong connection to nature to mount effective resistance against the Albirl forces.

Foreign Relations

The country is used to Grand Duchy of Albiril's raids poses a significant challenge for the Communist tribes.

Trade & Transport

Trade with their allies, the Wych lands of Hexadömonir, offers a lifeline for the Communist tribes of Lindar. The Wych lands, known for their powerful witches and alliances with hag covens, provide a strategic partnership for the Communist tribes. Through their sea trade routes, the Communist tribes are able to exchange goods and resources with the Wych lands, bolstering their economic stability and ensuring the availability of essential supplies.
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths


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