Mutakallimûn Tradition / Ritual in Theras | World Anvil


The Mutakallimûn is a faction within the Arqmati Pantheon of modern interpretation of Arqmat's teachings. They advocate for cultural evolution and integration with neighboring nations. They are also known as the Modernist Assembly.   The Mutakallimûn advocate for a progressive interpretation of Arqmat's teachings. They believe his "Dreams" are not pronouncements set in stone, but rather guidelines to be adapted to a changing world. They see modernization and engagement with foreign cultures as necessary steps to achieve the The Oasis of Harmony. They emphasize adaptation and integration with neighboring cultures to foster economic growth and technological advancement. Their goal is to position Buqmat as a competitive and modern nation-state, aligning its social, economic, and political structures with contemporary global standards. They support educational reforms, encourage foreign investments, and promote a secular approach in governance, which sometimes leads to conflicts with more conservative elements of society.   They stand as contra-force to the people who follow the Wahhabiyya.
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