Balikhanite Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Balikhanite are humans that long fought The Bafigron Empire and The Majestic Kingdom of Keatis, only to find the common people suing for peace, while the leaders are always sending them to fight against the might of the Empire and their Proxy. Since 1,002 AB, the Balikhanite peasants and commoners alike, openly reject the idea of peace with The Empire and Keatis, as they count on the aid of the Waleapians. Unlike the Buqmatians, the Balikhanite do in fact fall into the Mutakallimûn practice and they accept other cultures.


Culture and cultural heritage

Each section of society is built toward a goal, predetermined by their families; Such families can eduacte their children to be diplomats to Elven lands, Armorsmiths, Counselors, Merchants. Each house tries its best to expand its capabilities and 'reach' of services that they can export.   The Balikhanite take great care into studying Menedynn culture, often emphasizing the numerous ancetodes of the Arqmati Pantheon similiarities to the Menedynn Pantheon. It is suprising the League itself, take great pride in the study of the Arcane, as many of them are Sorcerers or Wizards.

Shared customary codes and values

The Balikhanite are exteremly peaceful people, often finding themselves in the worship of Soryna.   Magic reigns supreme in their society. Those with magical prowess automatically become aristocrats, while non-magical citizens are relegated to a lower social standing, sometimes facing harsh discrimination. All children undergo mandatory magical aptitude testing at birth. Those with potential are whisked away for rigorous training in the arcane or divine arts, enjoying numerous privileges. While wealth and influence are attainable for anyone, the pinnacle of power remains reserved for those who wield magic.   As the Balikhanites delved deeper into magical study, new schools of thought emerged. Some rediscovered the Blood magic, while others embraced the divine magic.

Art & Architecture

The Balikhanite often view Menedynn architecture as their model, often depicting Sabium's Cities in their art.


Beauty Ideals

A Noble in traditional Balikhanite attire
While The Majority of the Rakion are fair skinned, the Balikhanite are proud of their beautiful Ebony skin, which enables them to stay hidden during the night and allows them to suffer the rays of the sun more than the rest of the humans of Rakion. It is even rumored that the Balikhanite used many alchemist solutions in order to further the darkening of their skin tone. The Balikhanite make alot of use for large jewelery, often crafted by dwarves and they have have a distate for elven art, while finding Eilistuessiri much more to their liking.    
The Balikhanite have a diverse population and find the dyeing of their hair most enticing, espacially. The dyeing of the hair constitute of their station, standing and their origins in the society.

Gender Ideals

Unlike the Keatisi, the Balikhanite see women as totally equal to men.
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