Narsilian Civil War Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Narsilian Civil War

The Narsilian Civil War is a war that accumulated when the houses of the Nahrso Empire had begun a rebellion over their beliefs and discoveries that the Empire and the royal family, had went and tried to enslave the population via dark magic.   The war ended in the independence of the newly found Kingdom of Arasil and the Confederacy of Siril.

The Conflict


Utter Destruction of the Nahrso Empire and their allies and the founding of Kingdom of Arasil and Confederacy of Siril.


The Rebellion had sought to construct a new empire, but failed to do so as they had many disagreements and no menpower to achieve this goal, as soon thereafter, a new power, The Bafigron Empire rose and had taken control of many of the lands of the Nahrso Empire.

Historical Significance

The Narsilian Rebellion or the Narsilian Civil War as some may call it, is a rebelion incited by the warrior-caste of the empire and house Arasil who had longed worshiped the dragons.
Start Date
23 BB
Ending Date
2 BB
Conflict Result
Disbandment of the Nahrso Empire and victory of the Rebellion




Utter Destruction of House Vahris.
House Nahrnir; Destruction of the Nahrso Empire family;


Removing the Supreme Autarch from power and restoring peace throughout the empire.
Quenching the Rebellion


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