Nefarion the Eternal Character in Theras | World Anvil

Nefarion the Eternal

Nefarion the Eternal is one of the "Twin" Diarchs of Esha.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Though his name is lost to the histories, as he was only a small and insignificant lord (or perhaps he found all records and destroyed them), none of the living truly knows his name. Nefarion was a commander under the Nahrso Empire and a cousin of the Supreme Autarch. He was a supreme mage and priest of Baisha, until misfortune was caught up to him when the rebellion that ended the Nahrso Empire, threw him to the peasants to be slaughtered slowly and drowning.   Nefarion was freed from the curse in the year 17 AB when Baravor, had chose to disown the souls. Nefarion himself, as he confirms himself, that he doesn't know why his soul chose to become alive again and to find a body again. He chose a body... After he captured the soul of a young boy, he did everything in his power and knowledge to become a lich.   In the year 72 AB, he came back with his legions of undead and took the lands of Esha and announced that all shall be restored to its proper place.  
In the year 872 AB the lands of Esha was under siege from The Bafigron Empire and Nefarion, took the guise of a young noble only to marry the daughter of the Sovereign Imperator and had convinced her to dabble in necromancy, as he truly fell in love with her. After convincing the most powerful man in the Rakion, the two of them devised a plan to overthrow all suspicions and they established few rengades cells and in their discretion, established Ameros.  
Return to Esha
in the year 910 AB, the couple returned to Esha, establishing the lands of undeath.
876 BB 900 BB -24 years old
Aligned Organization
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