Esha Organization in Theras | World Anvil


Esha is a diarchy ruled by the undeads of Rakion. Where the heart of the Nahrso Empire was once.


The Diarchy of Esha has many assets, among them:  
Necromantic Knowledge
The rulers of Esha possess extensive knowledge of necromancy and dark magic. This allows them to not only control undead creatures but also manipulate and harness necrotic energies for their benefit. Their mastery of these dark arts gives them an advantage in combat and makes their armies more formidable.  
Political Manipulation
Junia the Undying and her network of diplomats, employ political prowess to maintain their existence and avoid eradication. They have forged alliances or made pacts with other powerful entities, such as dark gods or malevolent forces, to gain additional protection or resources. They are also skilled at sowing discord among their enemies or exploiting divisions within many countries.   In addition, the rumors do tell of their advanced enchantment abilities.


In 1,667 BB, the state of Esha, a rather young state under the rule of the Nahrso Empire. This state was actually the land of Supreme Autarch, the land of the almighty emperor.  
The Destruction of Esha
In the year 900 BB, the great houses of Arasil and Siril rose and laid siege to those lands, with the aid of many Neomen, the alliance succeeded in destroying the lands and driving the few of the Narsilians to the corners of every known place. It is told that that the lands of Esha, were wrought with so much destruction by Garyx and Falazure that nothing could grow there, up until the the 1st century AB.  
Purification of the lands
It is told the Ehlonna and a band of her faithful crossed into the lands of The Nahrso Heartlands in 17 AB and cured the evilness, however with the purifying of the lands, the souls of those entrapped there, were not accepted into Baravor to Hades, and so they wandered the lands, taking new forms. One of the spirit was Nefarion the Eternal, a human mage that died in a horrbile ways by the alliance.  
The Early years
In 76 AB, Nefarion the Eternal finally captured the lands and established his lands against the might of The Bafigron Empire.  
In the year 872 AB the lands of Esha was under siege from The Bafigron Empire and relinquished their independence to the Empire. However, after 28 years of being a vassal state that fought against the Arasilians in few skirmished, in the year 910 AB, Junia the Undying and Nefarion had the inhabitants eating poisoned fruits and becoming Ghouls and some other undead creatures in the process, thus, regaining control of the population.  
The Nars Wars
In the year 951 AB, the Nars Duchies had wanted to take control of the lands of Esha, reclaiming their 'old' home, undeads and vampires. This struggle continues until today.


Esha have implemented clever defensive strategies to protect their land. They have established fortifications, enchanted barriers, and many well placed magical wards that make it challenging for opposing forces to invade or launch successful attacks. These defenses have been carefully designed to exploit the strengths of their undead armies.


Esha's greatest strength lies in its formidable undead armies. The lich and the blackguard queen have the ability to raise and control vast numbers of undead creatures, including skeletons, zombies, and more powerful undead beings. These forces are relentless and difficult to defeat, overwhelming opponents with sheer numbers and unyielding persistence.

Foreign Relations

There are rumors that the Diarchy of Esha is fighting some undead insurgents, however they are very much intelligent and some do tell of stories involving Dhampirs and Vampires.
Founding Date
1675 BB
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Species


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