Nereid Species in Theras | World Anvil


Nereids, sometimes erroneously called "Sea Nymphs" are fey who take the form of beautiful female humanoids and watch over the seas and oceans. The form they take is somewhat reminiscent of human women.   Nereids are believed to be the daughters of the Water Lion, as they share his love for music and their capricious nature is reminiscent of his bouts of melancholy. Indeed, nereids are known for their love songs which are carried not by the winds but on ocean spray; some legends claim that they lure lustful sailors to their doom in watery graves   While most forms of visual art depict them wearing seashells or covered by seaweed, nereids barely ever cover themselves and are more than likely to be completely naked. The practice of covering nereids is mostly attributed to the common belief that lusting after a nereid attracts bad luck.   Nereids hold a considerable degree of control over the seas and oceans. They are known to calm tumultuous waters; summon devastating storms; lead ships, both astray and to a safe harbor; raise the water levels around shoals and reefs to prevent shipwrecks; and other such feats.   They hold unique affection towards sea-life, and are able to freely communicate with all of them, be they animals, plants, or neither; they can usually be seen with groups of dolphins or sea turtles, though the latter is less common.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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