Orad Species in Theras | World Anvil


Orads are fey who embody gentle winds and the summer and are mostly assosicated with agriculture. They take the form of fair-skinned wispy women with either orange, pink, or deep yellow eyes. They have long flowing hair and wear translucent white dresses, that both flutter in the wind that ceaselessly flows around orads.   Though they can be as elusive as Nereids or Dryads, they aren't as coy as them, and are often seen dancing together in fields and meadows, inviting men, women and children to join them. Orads are known to travel with the winds at great speeds and fade into an ethereal form when threatened; surprisingly, they are in fact incorporeal, and may choose to become tangible, unlike nereids and dryads.   Orads are believed to be the daughters of Thea, as they refer to her as their mother and to themselves as her attendants. They prefer gathering near ripening crops and harvested grain, with apples, apricots, barley, and wheat being their favorite.   When an orad appears, she is surrounded by a gentle breeze and scents of fresh harvest and blooming flowers; those who dance with them tell of their warm affectionate touch and of the constant breeze that cools those around them even in the hottest summer days. Joining orads in their dance safeguards crops from spoiling and warrents good harvest for the rest of the year.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though orads mainly inhabit the Feywild, there are some locations in the Prime Material Plane which are known to be favored by them. In Epeoris, the Adhmadoíte Pentagonal Fields almost constantly have circles of orads, and the Duchy of Ernhaven in the Kadian Kingdom of Navara is also known to be frequented by them. On Rakion, they are mostly assosciated with the Kingdom of Arasil; though they also appear throughout The Bafigron Empire, they are most likely to be found in The White Lands of Bafigron, where they started appearing after 812 AB.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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