Nevel Character in Theras | World Anvil


Nevel, a whirlwind of inspiration, forever dances through countless ballads. She embodies the archetype of the free-spirited ingenue, a muse who has captivated poets, songwriters, and all those who cherish the joys and wonders of a life lived with carefree abandon. Unbound by the trivialities of everyday life, Nevel visits her most dedicated followers in dreams, offering a silent lesson: most grievances are fleeting and not worth fretting over.   Nevel was once a prominent deity in Menedynn Pantheon and is mentioned even today by many of the old belief.. Her demise, a shocking revelation only discovered in 533 AB, is believed to be connected to Ashmedai, the King of Devils. Ashmedai attempted to steal Nevel's essence, but ultimately realized that directly controlling her power was beyond his grasp.   The truth was that the Old Ansko Empire that siphoned her powers and while Ashmedai was not the primary suspect, he was a contributer to that.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

The clergy of Nevel (known as the Revelers) are an eccentric bunch. While some might appear frivolously flirtatious, and others border on playful hedonism, all share a genuine good heart and an unwavering devotion to spreading joy. Theirs is a faith expressed through energetic movement – their rigorous routines result in some of the most physically fit individuals in Rakion.   Nevel's temples raise funds through extravagant galas, then redistribute them in seemingly whimsical ways. They might sponsor public beautification projects, throw surprise parties for downtrodden citizens, or use the funds for spontaneous acts of kindness.   The Revelers are particularly popular in easygoing, civilized regions, where their lighthearted approach finds ready acceptance. However, in harsher lands or oppressive societies where frivolity is seen as weakness, their religion faces suppression. Undeterred, and driven by an insatiable curiosity, the Revelers are drawn to these very locations. They believe a well-timed jog or a beautiful song can bring a spark of joy even in the darkest places.  
Revelers greet the dawning sun with vibrant energy, viewing each sunrise as a fresh opportunity for joy. Their devotion to the Mistress of the Revels manifests in daily prayers and an unwavering belief in the power of merriment. Most holidays, beyond those dedicated to dark deities, are occasions for celebration.   The Revelers mark their most sacred celebrations with a ritual called "Uncrossed Blades". This involves taking two or more weapons, symbolically laying them down any past conflicts, and intertwining them with colorful ribbons or fragrant flowers. The entwined weapons are then buried, signifying a commitment to peace and harmony as they celebrate.

Tenets of Faith

  • Every day is a step in the joyous dance of existence. Embrace life's pleasures and strive for fulfillment without succumbing to worry or negativity.
  • Actively seek opportunities to bring happiness to others. Your own joy grows brighter when reflected in the smiles of those around you.
  • All are welcome in our festivities. Let the lost, the lonely, the ostracized, and even your adversaries find solace and merriment in our shared revelry.
  • Encourage others to pursue their own paths and passions. Never let societal constraints or fear hinder your pursuit of personal joy.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Not alot is known of Nevel, except that she has stopped answering prayers in 2,533 BB and later on, died in 976 AB, revealing her powers were used as fuel for the divine source for the sorcerers of Old Ansko Empire.


Contacts & Relations

Nevels’s greatest friend in the Menedynn Pantheon is the bard deity Adis, who shares her flare of performance.
Mistress of Revels;
The Ever-Joyful;
Keeper of the Gleeful Heart;
Divine Classification
Chaotic Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Joy, happiness, dance, festivals, freedom, liberty
Chaos (Azata, Revelry, Whimsy), Charm (Captivation), Community (Cooperation, Family, Home, Lughnasadh), Good (Azata, Friendship, Redemption), Liberation (Freedom, Self-Realization), Travel
Orange Six Pointed Star
Bards, dancers, entertainers, poets, revelers, singers
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
“Sparkle” (shuriken)
Holy Days


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