Adis Character in Theras | World Anvil

Adis (Ah-Dis)

Adis embodies the vibrant energy of joy, victory, and artistic expression. As the divine essence of dance, song, and celebration, he inspires artists, bards, and dancers across the land. His presence graces countless festivals, filling them with infectious exuberance.   Since Joy and Temper, Adis has become the main god of Alcohol most pantheons.   Adis fiercely defends freedom and adventure, opposing tyranny and oppression. While he readily accepts challenges, his pursuit of joy doesn't demand reckless bravery. He understands the wisdom of strategic retreat when necessary.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Adis attracts those who are deeply connected to music, not just as listeners but as active participants. They find joy in sensory experiences - delicious food, stunning art, heartfelt connections, and the wonders of nature. Many rise before dawn to greet the day with music and appreciation for beauty.   Temples dedicated to Adis are rare, but they are magnificent when found. These open-air structures feature a central image of the deity, often accompanied by an incense burner. Some claim experiencing Adis' presence during ceremonies fueled by specific incenses, though others attribute it to the joyous atmosphere. Town centers, arenas, and festival grounds often boast idols of Adis, serving as invitations for his blessings.   Most clergy are accomplished bards or dancers, but others simply find joy in choral singing or humble music. They dedicatethemselves to mastering an ever-growing repertoire of instruments and songs, both new and ancient. They meticulously record original compositions and learned pieces, preserving them for future generations through magic.     Some adventurous clerics roam Theras, protecting traveling performers, aiding those in need, and accompanying heroes on their journeys. They document these experiences through music, composing ballads to inspire and remember. Others seek lost music, instruments, and the stories behind them, venturing into ruins and tombs, or utilizing magic to unearth forgotten melodies.   While adhering to the Highminstrel of Song's authority in theory, the reach of this central figure diminishes with distance. Outlying congregations prioritize practical matters over distant pronouncements.   Clerics offer their first sunrise prayer as a hymn of praise to Adis, repeating it after victories and significant events. Their rituals often involve beautiful songs and melodies, reflecting the deity's essence.   Adis'is an organized faith, with all churches paying heed (or at least lip service) to the Highminstrel of Song in the Free Cities of Nidoran. Unfortunately, the influence of the Highminstrel diminishes with distance, such that those congregations in the far reaches of Theras tend to pay attention only to the most urgent messages.   There is a second place of congregation where Adis is strong, presumably because of a portal that leads from Nidoran to Rich Shore of Abaisgar that is activated by natural phenomenon once a ten-day.   Clerics of Adis pray for spells at sunrise, praising their deity with hymns of gratitude. Other rituals involve beautiful songs and melodies, celebrating victories in battle or other significant events.  
Day-to-Day Activities
The majority of the Adisar dedicate their time to acquiring knowledge of lyrics, tunes, and mastering various instruments. This education takes place both within their temples and during travels. They diligently document original compositions and learned pieces, utilizing spells like singing stone to record tunes for future generations. These musical archives are concealed in secure locations and stored in temple vaults to enhance the likelihood of music survival. Adisar often serve as tutors for those professing faith in Adis or seeking training, and they actively participate in judging bardic contests and settling disputes among bards, whether individuals, groups, or colleges.   Tuneservants, a more adventurous faction, embark on journeys to aid struggling minstrels and protect bards facing adversity. They also join adventurers from different faiths on heroic quests, composing ballads to immortalize these deeds. In addition, they undertake personal adventures to recover ancient music, instruments, and related artifacts from ruins and tombs. Their stone tell abilities and other magical skills aid them in uncovering long-forgotten musical treasures in such locations.   In addition, the Tuneservants, are brewing and incharge of many breweries and distilleries in the realms.

Tenets of Faith

  • Life's melody flows from birth to its final note. Each artist, like a composer, crafts their unique contribution to the grand symphony. Embrace the struggle of refining your craft, making your voice ever clearer and more expressive. Never silence another's music, for every harmony adds richness to the world's song.
  • Hear the whispers of the wind and the rhythm of the rain, then join the chorus with your own vibrant voice.
  • One person's melody might stir emotions in another, for beauty lies in the diversity of expression. Every genuine creation, filled with joy, enriches the tapestry of music across all realms.
  • We delve into poetry not for mere amusement, but to ignite the fire within. Just as medicine, law, and engineering serve important purposes, so too does art nourish our souls, reminding us of why we strive and dream.
  • Always pursue new melodies, embrace diverse instruments, and hone your skills. Each new discovery adds another layer to the music that connects us all.
  • We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry we are filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry these are what we stay alive for.
  • Never cease your search for new tunes, new instruments to learn and new techniques to perfect.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Adis appears as a young, charismatic tall male with shoulder-length golden hair, sometimes appear as an elf, sometimes appear as Human or an aasimar. His clean, handsome good looks are exceeded by hauntingly beautiful voice. He dresses in the bright, elegantly patterned clothes of a troubadour accented with gold jewelry and other eye-catching decorations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The appearance of Adis was actually unintentional; The God Hlal, was having a prank and humor among the humans that travelled to the world via one of the bridges in the Era. There He entered their pantheons and gained alot of powers among their kind. By then he was only a demi power, but with him entering the other pantheons and the Dragonborn that soon came to follow, Hlal achieved the status of Intermediate.   Adis was long into the delving arts and was having alot of battles with the Goddess of the arts Helena, until by Circa -1,500, Adis accepted that Helena will be his patron as he entered those powers that shared her own portfolio.

Personality Characteristics


While some perceive him as aloof, this stems from his dedication to cultivating joy throughout the world. He recognizes that joy manifests in many forms, not just through direct worship. Seeing a quiet soul express a rare smile or witnessing an individual inspire others to celebrate, in his eyes, holds equal merit to elaborate performances.   Bards and dancers believe Adis gifted them their talents. They strive to match his unparalleled artistry, considering it the ultimate achievement. Many offer tributes during their performances, and some fortunate few receive the ultimate accolade - a personal audience with the deity himself. This divine approval elevates their art to a level recognized and revered by all.   Bards and Dancers of all kinds believe that it is he who granted them their arts, being a master of incomparable voice and grace, and that matching his own arts is the greatest goal possible. As it is, then, many of these individuals often offer some form of tribute to their deity when they perform, and some who end up pleasing the god are met with Adis' presence, himself. In a number of ways, this is one of the greater blessings that the deity offers, giving their performance a seal of approval which is recognized by all as the highest possible recognition for one of their arts.


Contacts & Relations

Adis is very much welcome in every civilized humannoid pantheon that doesn't have their own pantheon, except for the Andorian Pantheon which shunned other faiths. The Adisar, call the Aderian fools of their own making and they can see that their music is null and boring, as the blessing of Adis is not within their realm.   However, Adis is somewhat not accepted into the Narsilian Pantheon, as they have Hlal and Helena for their faith.
Harbinger of Harmony;
The Composer of All;
Muse of Bards;
The Eternal Melody;
Keeper of Living Echoes;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power , Aspect of Hlal
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Ysgard and The Beastlands
Dance, Song, Festival, Music, Bards, Bardic Magic
Air (Wind), Charm (Captivation, Love), Dream, Good, Glory, Luck (Imagination), Plant (Agriculture), Rune
Wooden Flute
bards, poets, singers, Orchestras
Favored Weapon
"The Sharp Minstrel" (Rapier, Spiked Chain, Whip)


Adis has one knightly order of personable (and sometimes swaggering) fighters, paladins, and bards, called "the Orchestra", whose members, along with the clergy, guard temples and holy sites. Its members also often pursue quests or do good works in Adis' name, and many love to accompany them on these romantic and glorious quests.


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