Nomog-Geaya Character in Theras | World Anvil


Nomog-Geaya is the Hobgoblin deity of War and Authority. An Iron-Fisted deity who handles matters of militant conquest in the Goblinoid Pantheon. Powerful warrior and dangerous warlord, Nomog-Geaya is an oppressive entity that brought pain to both his patron race and their enemies, whether on or off the battlefield.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Nomog-Geaya is worshiped often and greatly by the Hobgoblins, both in their every day lives and in more notable ways. Idols of him, along with standards and flags bearing his visage or symbol, a broadsword and handaxe crossed, are always to be bowed to or saluted except in the case of emergencies. many hobgoblins seek to emulate their deity in his coldness and tyrannical nature, and his priests are truly fanatical in their oath to show no emotions. Even during the process of torture, laughing in public have strict and costly consequences up to execution. His clerics are so rigidly disciplined that they are totally unaffected by attempts to make them laugh and don't respond to displays of emotion, to such a point that they resist even magical enchantment.   In many ways, Hobgoblin society measures the worth of its members by how much pain they can inflict and endure, and both the chieftains and shamans are known to undergo ritual trials by torture to see which one can withstand the most pain and thus who is worthy of their positions. While Hobgoblin priests don't attempt to prompt violence against goblins, they preach that they are undoubtedly superior to them, and indeed many other humanoids. In fact, Hobgoblin priests encourage just as much slavery and torture as their Goblin counterparts, and do so to Goblins, orcs, kobolds, humans and demihumans alike, viewing them all as worthless inferior humanoids and particularly disliking the more undisciplined races like the goblins.   Humans and other demihumans are the best candidates for ritual torture but dwarves (and to a lesser extent gnomes) are slightly less so, as they at least have some majority element of lawful behavior to them. Elves on the other hand are "heretical", an unfortunate anathema to everything hobgoblins stand for, and Hobgoblin shamans are quick to denounce the emotional creatures and their disgusting, chaotic way of living. Priests of Nomog-Geaya declare that elves are to be immediately slain without ceremony since they are useless at best and dangerous at worst.   Other responsibilities include martial training, strategic planning and battlefield tactics. They also have rivalries with the shamans of Khurgorbaeyag, the Overseer's Goblin shamans teaching their race that goblins have to fight harder in Acheron since Hobgoblin petitioners are slothful and clumsy while the General's Hobgoblin shamans argued it is the hobgoblins who have it worse due to the Goblin petitioners being weak and treacherous.   The priests of Nomog-Geaya are no less dangerous in terms of martial skill than mundane counterparts, trained in the combined use of longswords and axes (either handaxes or battleaxes). They typically don iron or steel armor, normally banded mail, and with all but their eyes covered by great helmets. Their magic is frequently used to harm rather than heal, with them gaining access to spells like ray of enfeeblement or symbol of pain, as well as dominating spells such as command.

Tenets of Faith

The Five Directives of the Soldiers of the Last Order are:  
  • Arm yourself with fire and steel.
  • Rally all Hobgoblin tribes under your banner.
  • Hunt elves and goblins and put them to the sword.
  • Burn prisoners alive in sacrifice to Nomog-Geaya. Nomog-Geaya will accept no other sacrifice.
  • Honor no god above Nomog-Geaya.


Once per year at midwinter in underground temples, hobgoblins are known to conduct mass torture, worship rituals on non-hobgoblins. Nomog-Geaya's priests take part in various other ceremonies and rituals imitating the General, such as officiating gristly after-battle feasts where they consume their cooked enemies.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Nomog-Geaya appears as a huge, powerful goblin with rough, ash-gray skin, cold orange eyes, and teeth like a shark’s. He almost always has his broadsword in one hand, and his hand axe in the other. He is said to have no expressions other than a grim, tight-lipped look of domineering authority. He is quiet and only speaks when he must.

Special abilities

Nomog-Geaya is likely the most powerful in terms of individual might in the once Goblinoid Pantheon, one of the toughest among them and immune to strength-draining magic.Befitting a god that promotes fearlessness and ferocity, he is also immune to magic that sowed terror and despair.

Specialized Equipment

Nomog-Geaya's iconic weapons are his broadsword and handaxe with which he slashes his enemies with astonishing speed.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ancient History
Nomog-Geaya served as Maglubiyet's war general, commanding the goblinoid legions and prioritizing the survival, expansion, and discipline of the Hobgoblin race.   Long ago, Maglubiyet eradicated the entire pantheon of Hobgoblin gods, leaving only Nomog-Geaya and Bargrivyek to endure the ages.   Nomog-Gaeya has waged war against the Goblinoid Pantheon with the aid of Ella'li from her domain. Even though Nomog-Gaeya power was reduced, he is still active very much and worshiped in many hobgoblins socieities.   After The Strife Curse, for which Nomog-Geaya was more than unsatisified, he waged war as it was the last straw, he was defeated in combat by Maglubiyet and Bane. The only thing that saved him, was the timely rescue of Ella'li, who saw an opening for the wounded deity.

Personality Characteristics


Nomog-Geaya epitomizes the esteemed traits of hobgoblins: relentless and resolute, yet also composed and courageous. His demeanor remains stern and unwavering, even in the face of injury, embodying the image of a severe ruler. He speaks sparingly, reserving words for necessity, a trait that adds to his renown as a top commander. While he abhors weakness and cowardice, he maintains a balanced self-awareness and respects superior authority.   However, alongside his noble attributes, Nomog-Geaya is known as the Torturer, a figure celebrated for his mastery of inflicting pain. His presence is unsettling, marked by habits like consuming the cooked flesh of vanquished foes.   Nomog-Geaya dispatches avatars to uphold hobgoblin discipline, though they can be manipulated into conflicts with goblins. Alternatively, he communicates through omens, often involuntary phrases spoken by torture victims under his hobgoblin priests. Nomog-Geaya favors the carnivorous ape, symbolizing savage combat prowess, while his holy color, bright glossy red, represents expected bloodshed.
The General;
The Warrior;
The Torturer;
Divine Classification
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Hobgoblins, War, Authority
Evil (Devil, Fear, Kyton, Plague), Fire, Law (Devil, Inevitable, Judgement, Kyton, Legislation, Loyalty, Slavery, Tyranny), Strength, War
A longsword and a handaxe
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Bastard Sword, Battleaxe
Holy Days


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