Bargrivyek Character in Theras | World Anvil

Bargrivyek (BARG-riv-yeck)

Bargrivyek is the largely-forgotten Goblin deity of cooperation. Unlike the other members of his pantheon, he is not identified with any particular race as Khurgorbaeyag is with goblins or Nomog-Geaya is with hobgoblins, or with both races as a whole as is Maglubiyet, but instead he is associated with more abstract ideas. He is the patron of cooperation, and he and his priests ceaselessly, though oftentimes fruitlessly, strive to unify the disparate Goblin and Hobgoblin tribes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Bargrivyek's clergy, known as peacemakers, are tasked with reducing internal conflicts among goblinoids, often by shifting their aggression towards external foes. Hobgoblin priests act as the society's law enforcers, judging their peers' honor and serving as disciplinarians and mediators. Despite Nomog-Geaya historically being the most revered deity, Bargrivyek's hobgoblin adherents were always respected, irrespective of their societal status. Bargrivyek's clerics are also charged with expanding goblin territories, especially encouraging settlements in new, above-ground regions, as Bargrivyek eagerly anticipates goblins' ascendancy to the surface.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Bargrivyek is depicted as a towering goblin, standing at 8 feet (2.4 meters) tall, with a high, domed forehead and a serene, composed demeanor. He is clad in white leather armor and brandishes a flail that features three white spiked balls.

Personality Characteristics


Bargrivyek surpasses other Goblin and Hobgoblin deities in foresight, recognizing that endless intra-species conflict only ensures their collective demise.   He is a deity of land and speech, with omens appearing as celestial signs or sudden linguistic phenomena. His clergy, prioritizing intelligence, use symbols like white-painted flails and specialize in spells and abilities that enhance communication.   He advocates for unity, duty, and discipline among his followers, not for their intrinsic value but for the strength they provide in furthering expansionist goals. Bargrivyek recognizes that internal cohesion enables effective conflict against external foes, particularly orcs, and sees harmony within the group as a means to disrupt the harmony of others.   Contrary to the implications of his title "The Peacekeeper", Bargrivyek was as fiercely devoted to conquest and expansion as any other deity in his warlike pantheon. Yet, his version of lawful evil was somewhat milder compared to his counterparts, favoring organized teamwork for malevolent purposes over harsh authoritarianism.


Contacts & Relations

Bargrivyek receives service from a variety of creatures including baatezu, imps, maelephants, rust dragons, rust monsters, and yugoloths. His favor is indicated through the finding of chalcedony, frost agates, hyaline, moonstones, nelvine, pearls, and white onyx, while his disfavor might result in goblins and hobgoblins losing their ability to speak (sometimes even permanently) or being enveloped in a dark aura.   He maintains a positive relationship with Khurgorbaeyag, his subordinate deity, as they share a common vision for the orderly and supreme rule of goblinoids.   Maglubiyet positions Bargrivyek within the pantheon, and his role as a mediator and influencer among his followers is accepted out of necessity, mirroring his relationship with Nomog-Geaya. However, Hruggek, the bugbear pantheon's cunning god, opposes Bargrivyek and seeks to sow discord between him and Maglubiyet to benefit the bugbears.   Despite potential internal conflicts, Bargrivyek faces fewer direct adversaries outside his pantheon. He is known to oppose Kurtulmak, leading assaults against his Kobold followers in Draukari, Avernus, showcasing the united strength of goblinkind. Kurtulmak, like Bargrivyek, has many enemies among the gods. Bahgtru, the Orc god, seeks a rematch after a previous defeat to Bargrivyek but lacks the intelligence for any intricate vendetta against other deities.
The Peacekeeper;
Lord of the Ordered Horde;
Divine Classification
Dead Power , once a Lesser Power
Lawful Evil
Aligned Organization
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Cooperation, Territory
Community (Cooperation, Education), Law (Devil, Inevitable, Legislation, Loyalty, Slavery, Tyranny), Protection, War
White-tipped flail
Goblins, Goblinkin
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Crunch (Heavy Flail)
Holy Days

Worshipper Relations

Bargrivyek, cautious not to anger his superiors, only dispatches his avatar for significant tribal gatherings when a goblin tribe requires it.


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