Nyxgaas Character in Theras | World Anvil

Nyxgaas (Nyx-Gas)

Nyxgaas is the orcish god of the cold, the dark, and the night, patron of orcs that acted stealthily in the shadows. Orcs who stalk their prey unseen find him a patron, for he embodies the art of the unseen strike. While not the god of death itself, Nyxgaas holds dominion over the realm of Undeath. He embodies the orcish fear of the unknown, the chilling terror of what lurks in the endless depths of the Night Below – a realm teeming with the restless dead and shadowed horrors.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Nyxgaas claims the allegiance of those who lurk in the shadows. Orcish bandits, thieves, and those who ply their dark trades under the cloak of night revere him as their patron. He is also seen as the god of outcasts – those deemed unfit for traditional roles in orcish society due to injury, infirmity, or simply not meeting the tribe's expectations.   While Yurtrus' followers often seek solace in his cult to escape shame or death, Nyxgaas attracts the most ostracized. They are deemed unsuitable even for the grim duties of tending to the dead. Seen by their own people as skulkers and dishonorable shadows, these outcasts are either forced into Nyxgaas' service or sacrificed to appease the Night Lord.   Nyxgaas' priests and shamans are the epitome of stealth and lethality. They hone their skills as assassins, blackguards, or rogues, their clerical training intertwined with the arts of darkness. Pickpocketing, shadow-melding, and the art of killing silently become their core disciplines.  

Priestly Vestments

During rituals, Nyxgaas' clergy drape themselves in flowing black robes, the deep hoods shrouding their faces. A lining of dark red, like a trickle of spilled blood, hints at the darker aspects of their faith. Beneath this outer layer lies practical leather armor, usually black or a deep crimson, symbolizing protection cloaked in shadow. Jangling adornments and anything that might catch the light are shunned, for they operate in the realm of whispers and unseen deeds. Their holy symbol is a stark iron crescent moon, painted a dull, dark red. This emblem hangs from a simple leather or twine cord, a stark contrast to the clatter of metal chains.   When venturing beyond their shadowy temples, Nyxgaas' priests adopt a more pragmatic approach. Dark clothing, blending seamlessly into the night, shrouds their movements. Light, silent armor allows them to blend with the throngs of the unwary, while easily concealed weapons lie hidden beneath cloaks of black, dark grey, or deep brown. Beyond these essentials, they utilize the equipment typical of their tribe, ready to adapt to any situation.  


While males dominate the priesthood, Nyxgaas' followers recognize the tactical advantage of female clergy. Orc society often underestimates their skills, allowing them to operate with a degree of unexpected freedom.   The clergy adheres to a strict hierarchy, each rank ascending in power and responsibility. Initiates are known as Shadows, their skills honed in the arts of stealth and deception. Full-fledged priests are called Nights, their mastery of darkness allowing them to manipulate the shadows and strike with chilling efficiency. Elite specialists, particularly adept at assassination, earn the title of Shadowblade.  
  • Disciple of Twilight
    A newly minted priest, still learning the ways of the Night Lord.
  • Master of Twilight
    A seasoned priest, guiding and instructing the younger members of the clergy.
  • Disciple of Shadow
    A priest wielding a significant degree of power within the cult.
  • Master of Shadow
    A respected leader within the clergy, overseeing operations and training the next generation.
  • Disciple of Night
    A priest of exceptional skill and influence, often entrusted with critical missions.
  • Master of Night
    A revered figure within the clergy, wielding considerable authority and serving as advisors to the highest ranks.
  • Disciple of Pure Darkness
    A priest who has achieved a pinnacle of mastery, their connection to the Night Lord profound and terrifying.
  • Master of Pure Darkness
    The most elite tier of the clergy, these enigmatic figures command immense respect and wield near-unfathomable power. Their titles are often unique, reflecting their accomplishments and the specific aspects of darkness they embody.
Shamans and Witch Doctors
Shamans and witch doctors, while not formally part of the clerical hierarchy, are considered valuable allies. Shamans are more prevalent, found in roughly one and a half times more Nyxgaas-aligned tribes compared to witch doctors. Both traditions utilize their dark magic to further the Night Lord's agenda, earning them the respect of the clergy.  


Grand temples dedicated to Nyxgaas are rare. They exist only in the deepest orc-held caverns of the Underdark, hidden from the light of the surface world. Shrines, however, are a different story. Sharp eyes can find them wherever orcs dwell, nestled in hidden recesses or disguised within seemingly innocuous locations.   All these sacred sites are one with the shadows. Fires and other light sources are scarce, replaced by an oppressive darkness that embodies the Night Lord's domain. Sacred objects, furniture, and draped fabrics are commonplace, their colors echoing the chilling palette of black and dark red.   The entrances to these shrines and temples are meticulously concealed, especially those outside of Nyxgaas-dominated tribes. Only the most devout or those granted special knowledge can hope to locate them, ensuring the Night Lord's mysteries remain hidden from prying eyes.    


Clerics of Nyxgaas pray for their spells at midnight. As each [Nyx cloaks the world in darkness, the clergy of the Night Lord gathers for the Chant in the Abiding Darkness. This grim ceremony serves as a potent symbol of their devotion to Nyxgaas.   Followers present their sacrifices – not gaudy displays of wealth, but stolen goods. The thrill and effort invested in the acquisition hold greater value than the intrinsic worth of the items themselves. A daring heist that nets a modest trinket holds more favor with the Night Lord than a trove of easily pilfered treasures.   United in the inky depths, the assembled faithful raise their voices in a haunting chant. These ritualistic prayers are a pledge of service, a vow to become the Night Lord's silent and deadly weapons, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies under the cloak of darkness.

Tenets of Faith

  • Darkness is not merely the absence of light, it is an eternal shroud that grants anonymity and power. It is the cloak that conceals the blade of the assassin.
  • The strong must prey upon the weak to maintain their strength. Eliminate those within the tribe who lack the will or skill to contribute, ensuring the overall dominance of the orcs.
  • The world above belongs to the weak and foolish. Eliminate all non-orc races, claiming their lands for the rightful orcish dominion.
  • The Underdark holds a sacred place within Nyxgaas' domain. Shargaas, his avatar, claims these depths as his territory. Wage relentless war against any who dare trespass in these tunnels.
  • A leader's weakness is a cancer that can spread. Be ever watchful for signs of fallibility in the chieftain. His mistakes could lead to the downfall of the entire tribe, and consequently, yourself.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Nyxgaas embodies a haunting silhouette. This towering orc possesses jet-black skin and eyes, his gaunt frame radiating an aura of power rather than frailty. He drapes himself in a cloak of the deepest black, its fabric seemingly woven from swirling shadows. Leather armor, almost lost within the inky cloak, hints at the warrior beneath.   Nyxgaas wields a warped form of magic. Illusions and phantasms are his preferred tools, weaving deception and nightmares alike. While he retains the capacity for priestly spells across all domains, his true focus lies in the brutal arts of combat and the manipulation of the earth's raw power. His manipulation of divine energies is even more unsettling, for he specializes in reversing spells of healing, necromancy, and life-giving light, twisting them into instruments of suffering and decay.  
Other Manifestations
Unlike other orc deities, Nyxgaas relies heavily on cryptic omens to guide his followers. These warnings often foreshadow distant dangers, for the Stalker Below spins intricate plans that unfold over days or weeks. Deciphering these obscure messages requires careful interpretation by Nyxgaas' priests.   Example of these omens are:
  • Chilling Warnings: A sudden, inexplicable coldness may grip a follower, sending shivers down their spine. This serves as a basic omen of impending danger.
  • Whispers in the Dark: Lamenting moans echo through tunnels, carrying cryptic messages for attentive ears. Following these moans can lead the faithful to hidden sanctuaries, while enemies may be lured to treacherous pitfalls or crevasses.
  • Fevered Visions: When danger is imminent or warnings ignored, Nyxgaas inflicts a dreadful "cold fever." Victims experience a rapid rise in body temperature followed by intense chills and violent convulsions. This ordeal lasts for ten minutes before mysteriously subsiding.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is told that when Gruumsh wanted to destroy the creation of all creator gods and right after Beginning the Cycle of Rotation, Nyxgaas, was actually a piece of Nyx who was cut down from her own plane by Gruumsh.

Personality Characteristics


While orcs are known for their berserker rages, Nyxgaas expresses his hatred in a more insidious manner. He despises all non-orc life, but this aversion runs deeper. In his shadowed heart, Nyxgaas views orcs themselves as mere tools for destruction, to be discarded when their usefulness wanes.   Nyxgaas rarely involves himself directly. He dispatches his avatar to aid orcs against their Underdark foes, particularly when Duragg Deephallow champions the dwarven cause. Nyxgaas relishes the opportunity to use stealth and thwart Fire Eyes' intervention. Surface appearances are rare for the Night Lord. He only sends avatars when valuable treasures, vital information, or the elimination of a rival's avatar compels him to act. Additionally, the acquisition of fresh corpses for his undead legions can draw his attention.  
Servants of Shadow
Nyxgaas employs a vast array of creatures to further his schemes. From the humble bat to the fearsome gacholoth, these shadowy servitors carry out his will. His favored include: Bats (normal, large, and moats) Meazels, Shadows, Assassin Imps, Bainligor, Darkness Elementals, Darkweavers, Death Dogs, Dopplegangers, Invisible Stalkers, Shadow Dragons and Black Puddings.  
Offerings and Displeasures
Nyxgaas rewards his followers with discoveries of specific gemstones: black or black and red onyx, garnet, jet, obsidian, and tourmaline. He also takes pleasure in offerings of corpses from other races, slain through ambush or from behind – all suitable for his dominion over undeath.   Displeasure manifests as sudden cave-ins or rockfalls, often exposing bioluminescent flora that hinders stealth. Additionally, the Night Lord may unleash powerful subterranean creatures into violent rampages.


Contacts & Relations

Despite his universal hatred, Nyxgaas recognizes the value of pragmatism. He maintains a tenuous alliance with the other orc deities, manipulating them to further his own agenda. Yurtrus, offers a particularly useful partnership. Their combined influence subtly counteracts the warmongering fervor of Gruumsh, Bahgtru, and Ilneval.   Ilneval despite loathing the underhanded tactics of both Nyxgaas and Yurtrus, utilizes them when advantageous. However, Nyxgaas fuels the flames of discord by secretly revealing Ilneval's betrayals to Gruumsh, undermining the ambitious lieutenant and solidifying his own position.   While Gruumsh disdains subterfuge, he occasionally relies on Nyxgaas' clandestine skills. Despite his desire to ignore the endless orc-goblin conflict, Nyxgaas has little choice but to obey the War God's commands. He dispatches elite assassins to eliminate goblinoid generals, then retreats so deeply into his shadowy realm that even Gruumsh cannot reach him for over a year. Though Gruumsh utilizes Nyxgaas, a simmering resentment lingers within the Night Lord, fueled by past humiliations.   Nyxgaas finds no allies outside the orc pantheon, though he harbors an especially deep loathing for the dwarf, gnome, and goblin gods. Their divine sparks ignite a particular fury within him, further isolating him from the broader celestial tapestry.
The Night Lord;
The Stalker Below;
The Uliving Shadow;
Divine Classification
Lesser Power , Aspect of Nyx
Neutral Evil
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Darkness, night, stealth, thieves, trickery, the Underdark
Chaos (Demodand, Entropy, Protean), Darkness (Loss, Night, Shadow), Death (Undead), Evil (Devil), Orc, Trickery, Void (None)
Skull on a red crescent moon
Assassins, blackguards, orcs, shadowdancers, thieves
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
Nightblade (short sword)
Holy Days


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