Odhrán an Mairbh Character in Theras | World Anvil

Odhrán an Mairbh

Saineolaí Odhrán an Mairbh, formerly Odhrán an Breá, is the Court Druid of lord Dara Colcamin. A good friend of Dara in life, he was the apprantice to his father, the court druid of Lord Ultán Colcamin; after his father's death in 891 AB, he assumed the cowl of court druid in Ultán's court until the house's dissolution two years later, when he left for Clochdor forest. He was killed by wraiths in 906, and was brought back in 1047.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Odhrán is quite famous among druids and court druids in the Principality of Sabersycha. Though not extraordinarily powerful, he is the only known instance of an undead capable of drawing power from the lands of Grausur.
Neutral Good
Currently Held Titles
873 AB 906 AB 33 years old
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