Ultán Colcamin Character in Theras | World Anvil

Ultán Colcamin

Lord Ultán Colcamin was the last lord of Clochdor Castle. He had eight children from two different wives; his eldest and only daughter from his first wife, and the rest from his second wife.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ultán had two older sisters and a one younger brother, and he thus succeeded his father as Lord of Clochdor when the latter died in in 853. He was known as a benevolent lord who cared greatly for his subjects. He instated a series of tax reforms that effectively reduced taxes for the common folk, while successfully persuading the lower nobility to adjust their lifestyles in order to facilitate said reforms. He died in the Grausur Plague.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
824 AB 893 AB 69 years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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