Ordosnar Siril the Tarrasque-Tamer Character in Theras | World Anvil

Ordosnar Siril the Tarrasque-Tamer

Ordosnar the Half-Giant was a great warlord, having had control over many Half-Giants and Gnolls in his territory, the Narsilian Empire grew wary of his exploits and his ever growing expansion and even raiding the ports of The Nahrso Heartlands Even defeating Houses Arasil, Sohren and Nahrnir and having them pay tribute to the Clan of Siril.   Ordosnar was most known for taming a Tarrasque, a creature which he used to ride into battle.     However, Ordosnar didn't want to compete with the Nahrso Empire, as an ongoing war would be exhausting for him and the threat of the Old Ansko Empire was always a looming threat. So, Ordosnar, came to the Supreme Autarch, with the heads of each house he had subjugated, claiming they are unworthy of the standing of "House", and he is worthy and he boosted on his prowess in battle that he could do any task for the Emperor. That’s how Ordosi Siril became the Tarrasque, Taming the Tarrasque and parading it infront of the Emperor.   Ordosnar the First, was to be wed to the Supreme Autarch's daughter - however, the houses poisoned him at his own wedding. However, his wife, was already with child.
856 BB 751 BB 105 years old


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