Queen of Sun and Shadows Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Queen of Sun and Shadows

Have you heard the tale of the Queen of Sun and Shadows? A sovereign of ethereal beauty and fearsome might, her grace illuminates the day, and her power enfolds the night. In the Sylvan kingdom, her legend weaves, whispered with awe and respect, a queen unmatched in majesty and benevolence, feared by those who dare oppose, and revered by all who cherish the realms of light and darkness.
  The Queen of Sun and Shadows is ultimate ruler of The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor, at least as viewed by the Fey there. Her word is counted as a divine mandate to the chaotic creatures - her nature is as chaotic as the storm and sea and also as the river of the ultimate beauty, inticed from a waterfall.  


Her powers are as boundless as the changing seasons, for with each turn of the wheel, the Queen's abilities are reborn. As the warmth of spring embraces the land, so does her vitality and healing magic flourish, bringing life and renewal to all living creatures. During the summer's peak, her powers radiate with the brilliance of the sun, channeling energy to strengthen her allies and invoke fierce wildfires against her foes.   With the arrival of autumn, the Queen's command over nature's forces takes a mystical turn, as she can harness the colors of the falling leaves to cloak her followers in invisibility and manipulate the winds to guide them on their quests. As winter's chill descends, the Queen's dominion over frost and snow empowers her to summon ice storms and freeze her enemies in their tracks.   Throughout the seasons, her powers never wane, but instead evolve and transform, adapting to the ever-changing rhythms of the natural world. Her abilities are nourished by the energies of the seasons, and each cycle brings new strengths to her already formidable repertoire.


As the Queen of Sun and Shadows, her responsibilities are vast and encompass the well being of the Sylvan kingdom and its inhabitants. Among her primary duties are:  
  1. Guardian of the Sylvan Realm
    The Queen is the ultimate protector of the kingdom's borders, ensuring the safety and security of her subjects from external threats, both mortal and supernatural.
    She defends the sacred places of the Sylvan kingdom from those who would seek to exploit or desecrate them, ensuring that they remain untouched by mortal hands.
  2. Steward of Nature
    She is entrusted with maintaining the delicate balance of the natural world within her realm, safeguarding its forests, rivers, and creatures from harm and exploitation.
  3. Arbiter of Disputes and the Wisest of the Kingdom
    As the epitome of ageless wisdom, the Queen advises her subjects, lending her insights to those in need of counsel. In addition, the Queen serves as the supreme judge in matters of conflict among fey, animals, and even mortal visitors, using her wisdom to resolve disputes and maintain harmony.
    On rare occasions, the Queen interacts with powerful beings from other planes, negotiating and communicating on behalf of the Sylvan kingdom.
  4. Keeper of the Changing Seasons in The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor
    With her powers tied to the changing seasons, the Queen ensures the smooth transition between the seasons, orchestrating the flow of life and renewal.
  5. Empowerer of the Fey
    The Queen bestows her blessings upon fey creatures, strengthening their magical abilities and encouraging them to fulfill their potential. She is also considered a diplomat and arbiter between creatures of the Feywild and the Prime Material Plane.
  6. Commemoration of Traditions
    The Queen upholds the ancient customs and traditions of the fey, keeping their culture alive and vibrant for future generations
  7. She safeguards the ancient knowledge and artifacts within the kingdom, preventing their misuse or falling into the wrong hands.
  8. Protector of Ancient Secrets and
    With her being the Supreme Commander of The Sylvan Regiments of Eryndor and head of the Trasi Iliti, the Queen safeguards the ancient knowledge and artifacts within the kingdom, preventing their misuse or falling into the wrong hands.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

As custom does, she is again nominated and placed at power as a ritual that is a cause of celebration for all the Fey and Wood Elves; it is a sacred ritual performed by the eldest of the fey, those who have served and guided the Sylvan kingdom for centuries. They gather under the light of the full moon, surrounded by the ancient trees of the Enchanted Grove, and with a unanimous decision, they bestow upon the chosen heir the title of the Queen of Sun and Shadows. This momentous occasion is marked by celestial phenomena, as stars align to acknowledge the passing of power and the beginning of a new reign.


The ascension to the throne and power are shrouded in mystery, known only to a select few trusted advisors and the mystical forces of nature - some say that she is a champion of Helena and Ehlonna combined. It is said that Serenethia succeeded and became the Queen, after proving herself worthy through acts of wisdom, compassion, valor and her immense and unyielding connection to the natural world.

Cultural Significance

Myths and Folklore

Long before the Elves settled in the Verdant Wilds, Serenethia stood as the most revered among the Elven wizards dwelling on the outskirts. She was the one who first communed with the ancient trees, mastering the art of tree-singing and forging a profound alliance with the mighty forest-spirits. Alongside Sun and Stars King, she governs The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor, casting enchantments to deceive intruders or lead them to their downfall.
Active and in power
Alternative Naming
Queen above the Canopies; Her Majesty that dances between Shadows and Sun; The Fury of the Verdant Wilds
First Holder
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