Trasi-Iliti Military Formation in Theras | World Anvil


The Trasi-Iliti, or also known as Wood carver of the Tree are the keeper of lost knowledge and relics of the world, the Wardens of it and the special unit of the Queen of Sun and Shadows, Serenethia that keeps to their vows of proclaiming the relics and safeguarding them.   They are an exceptional cadre of War Dancers, adept in the arts of Illusion, Divination, combat, and swordsmanship. Unlike their elite counterparts, the Gurth-Iliti, they specialize in the bardic arts, possessing mesmerizing oratorical skills and diplomatic finesse. Their enthralling dances have the power to enchant and unveil the truth, while their mastery of Abjuration magic offers unrivaled protection on the battlefield.  


  • Illusionary Finesse
    The Trasi-Iliti can weave intricate illusions, disguises, and mirages, creating confusion and disarray among their enemies.
  • Divinatory Insights
    They possess the gift of foresight, allowing them to glimpse into the future and gain tactical advantages.
  • Bardic Enchantment
    Their captivating music and oratory skills can sway minds, inspiring allies or causing opponents to hesitate.
  • Protective Wardance
    During their dances, the Trasi-Iliti can conjure protective barriers and shields, guarding themselves and their allies.

Rumored Operations

Some whisper that the Trasi-Iliti are skilled infiltrators and spies, using their illusionary prowess to gather information without detection. Another rumor is that they perform divine rituals under moonlit skies, seeking guidance from higher powers and gaining celestial blessings. They are also rumored to help the Ilistrivech or the Sylvan Veil



The Organization is divied into the following ranks:
  • Grand Maestra: The highest-ranking member, responsible for overseeing the entire Trasi-Iliti regiment.
  • Illusionists: Specialists in illusion magic and covert operations.
  • Diviners: Gifted seers who provide foresight and strategic counsel.
  • Virtuosi: The musical and oratorical experts who excel in enchantment and diplomacy.
  • Abjurors: Skilled in defensive magic, forming the protective core of the regiment.



Like the Gurth-Flos are both male and female and recruited exclusively from the Gurth-Flos or the Gurth-Iliti, or the Ranger Corps of the Kingdom, the Leafstalker Rangers
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Parent Formation


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