Sun and Stars King Rank/Title in Theras | World Anvil

Sun and Stars King

The Sun and Stars King is the name of the consort of the Queen of Sun and Shadows - Though his power is lower than the queen, he is the leader of the Or-Quessiri and the Silvendal.  

Powers and Abilities

The King possess several powers, whatever his background - most of whom are attributed to his mate, including:
  1. Nature's Blessing
    The King's deep connection to nature grants him the ability to commune with plants and animals, receiving guidance from the spirits of the land.
  3. Shape-shifting
    He can transform into various animals, enabling him to move through the forests unnoticed and gather intelligence.
  5. Elemental Control
    The King can harness the elemental forces of earth, air, fire, and water, using them for defense or offense when necessary.
  7. Healing and Restoration
    His druidic abilities enable him to heal the wounded and purify polluted lands - thus even if he is not a druid, he is somewhat blessed with those abilities, as most common idea, is that those power come from Serenethia.


The King is chosen, educated and trained for his skills as a druid, deep connection to nature and possession of a strong affinity for the elemental forces. His abilities in manipulating the flora and fauna are crucial to his understandings of the Verdant Wilds' Ecosystem.   However, there were cases that the Queen of Sun and Shadows, had chosen those that weren't druids or more like accomplished ones.   In addition, the king usually must demonstrate profound wisdom, gained through years of study, contemplation and life experience - Though many don't know the specific requirement, the people of Eryndor, trust the Queen of Sun and Shadows in choosing her mate in that regards.


This decision is often recommended by the Circle of the Eternal Wood, which are considered the most esteemed nobles, elder who recognize the candidate's spiritual connection to nature and leadership qualities. This process invloces a solemn and sacred ritual to symbolize the bond between the kingd and the Land.


The king has Several Duties, including:  
  • Upholding Nature's Balance
    He is responsible for safeguarding the natural balance of the kingdom, preventing deforestation, over-hunting, and any actions that could disrupt the delicate harmony of the land.
  • Council and Diplomacy
    The King presides over the Council of the Sylvan kingdom, listening to the voices of its people and making decisions for the betterment of the realm. He also represents the kingdom in diplomatic relations with neighboring lands. In internal affairs, he is incharge of keeping the peace between the Fey and the Wood Elves.
  • Harmonizing with the Queen
    All of that, culminates in the relationship with his consort, The Queen above the Canopies Serenethia, recognizing that their powers are intertwined.


The King is incharge of promoting trade, the kingdom's finances and the rest of governmental roles - He usually keeps many advisors that help him manage the huge kingdom.   The king holds title as the Guardian of the Sylvan Kingdom.
Length of Term
Until Death;
Current Holders
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