The Sylvan Regiments of Eryndor Organization in Theras | World Anvil

The Sylvan Regiments of Eryndor

The Sylvan Regiments of Eryndor, is a collective name for the armed forces of the population of the Fey in The Sylvan Kingdom of Eryndor - Though they presume to have a military hierarchry, they answer only to the Queen of Sun and Shadows.   The Sylvan regiments are unorganized, but are highly effective - their chaos forms a doctrine of war that no one, can fathom the tactics of, as each unit, has its goals, thinks independently and is somewhat all guided by an Invisible Hand.   The Most reknown of their regiments are the Verdant Sentinels.   The Sylvan Regiments of Eryndor are the protectors of the Arboreal Arches.
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