Rgai-Quessiri Ethnicity in Theras | World Anvil


The Rgai-Quessiri is a distinct caste within Yojeku society comprised of Grey Elves descending from the former demesnes conquered during the First Lustijian Expansion. Rgai-Quessiri are revered, yet are also considered to be prized possessions rather than people.


Beauty Ideals

Rgai-Quessiri are seen as the epitome of beauty among Yorgai and Estuan people. This includes their fair complexion and their unique epicanthic fold. Women often apply white powder on their face and men commonly wear make up that accentuates their seemingly slanted eyes. Both avoid exposure to the sun to maintain their skin color and prevent it from becoming tanned.

Major organizations

Rgai-Quessiri lack any major organizations, or any organization at all. They were prohibited from organizing under the Kingdom of Lustiris, a law that remained in place even as the Yorgai formed their own country. Historically, the organization mostly assosciated with the Rgai-Quessiri people was the Great Demesne of Asybinsera.
A Rgai-Quessiri woman in traditional clothing.
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