Royal Dynasties in Epeoris in Theras | World Anvil

Royal Dynasties in Epeoris

The following is a list of all royal dynasties throughout the kingdoms of Epeoris. This list includes kingdoms that are no longer sovereign polities or are no longer hereditary monarchies.

Kadian Kingdoms

Kingdom of Ader

Agustin Andor
357 BB to 220 BB.
Agustinian Dynasty
220 BB to 60 BB.
Agustin Andor
60 BB to The Second Sun.
2nd Agustinian Dynasty
0 AB to 200 AB.
Amarell Dynasty
391 AB to 732 AB.
Andorian Dynasty
732 AB to current day.Expand ⇕
Since the Andorian Dynasty restylized the title of the monarch as "Sovereign" rather than "King", the title of "Queen" is also used to describe the reigning monarch, with the consort being name "Ascendant". The notable example is King Ascendant Kairoz II, which ascended to the throne.
  • First Andorian Dynasty
    Queen Isolda Artzmit and Ascendant Ansor Artzmit;
    Queen Reseah Artzmit and Ascendant Raikor Bneurling;
    Queen Grandeur Andoriani.
  • Second Andorian Dynasty
    King Ascendant Kairoz II and Ascendant Vivabella Dislerf;
    King Epitome Andoriani and Ascendant Yvone Arsenault;
    King Auspice Andoriani and Ascendant Séraphine Lemaître.

Kingdom of Navara

Hideprand Dynasty
451 BB to 197 BB.
Abrahil Dynasty
197 BB to 401 AB.Expand ⇕
  • First Abrahil Dynasty
  • Second Abrahil Dynasty
  • Third Abrahil Dynasty
  • Fourth Abrahil Dynasty
Malion Dynasty
401 AB to 730 AB.
Bneurling Dynasty
730 AB to current day.

Kingdom of Saltis

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The kingdom of Saltis has two concurrent royal lines, one is of the Grand Prince and one is of the King.
D'euponnet Dynasty
Lemaître Dynasty
742 AB to current day.

Kingdom of Kavir

Teris Dynasty
243 AB to 404 AB.
Bolverk Dynasty
404 AB to 630 AB.
Aylard Dynasty
630 AB to 736 AB.

Yojeku Kingdoms


Catarov Dynasty
700 BB to 433 BB.
Ogokimov Dynasty
433 BB to 109 BB.
Odyarov Dynasty
102 BB to 370 AB.
Magdarov Dynaty
370 AB to 572 AB.
Langov Dynasty
572 AB to current day.


Churshu Dynasty
95 BB to 95 AB.
Lustijian Satraps
98 AB to 492 AB.
Urboge Dynasty
490 AB to 653 AB.

Monoethnic Kingdoms

Kingdom of Agy

Azater Dynasty
630 AB to 701 AB.
Tuncayia Dynasty
701 AB to 853 AB.
Suyaden Dynasty
853 AB to 1011 AB.Expand ⇕
Instated by the Kingdom of Nakilnul.
Ketaboia Dyanasty
1011 AB to current day.

Deep Kingdom of Torkia

Randar Dynasty
1443 BB to 947 BB.
Daermiir Dynasty
947 BB to 192 BB.
Magrus Dynasty
192 BB to 184 AB.
Tygran Dynasty
184 AB to 500 AB.
Hjulren Dynasty
500 AB to 761 AB.
Vonmekraar Dynasty
761 AB to current day.

Kingdom of Nakilnul

Glasigrivan Dynasty
1443 BB to 1002 BB.
1st Boreavan Dynasty
1002 BB to 231 BB.
Vladanovan Dynasty
231 BB to 12 AB.Expand ⇕
The Vladanovan Dynasty, after usurping the throne from the Boreavan Dynasty, provided a line of incompetent rulers, leading to a civil war that ended with the Boreavan line reclaiming control over the sky kingdom, and the Arburivan line, supported by the Duergar of the Deep Kingdom of Torkia, reclaiming the deep kingdom.
2nd Boreavan Dynasty
12 AB to 801 AB.
Arburivan Dynasty
12 AB to 603 AB.
Suyadvan Dynasty
801 AB to 1012 AB.
3rd Boreavan Dynasty
1012 AB to current day.


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