Half-Orc Species in Theras | World Anvil


Half-orcs are the offspring of an orc and a human, and as such, they often face prejudice and discrimination from both human and orc societies. They may be seen as "impure" by orc communities, who prize strength and brutality above all else, while humans may view them as strange and unsettling due to their orcish features.   Despite this, many half-orcs find a place in human societies, often as mercenaries, bodyguards, or other types of warriors. Some may also become adventurers, seeking to carve out a place for themselves in a world that doesn't fully accept them.   In some cases, half-orcs may form small communities of their own, made up of others like themselves who have been shunned by their respective societies. These communities may be nomadic, moving from place to place in search of work or a safe place to settle.   Overall, the experience of being a half-orc can be a difficult one, as they often face discrimination and prejudice from both sides of their heritage. However, many half-orcs are able to find a place in the world by using their natural physical abilities and resilience, as well as their own personal skills and talents.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Half-orcs are unique in that they combinק the traits of both their human and orcish lineages, not only physically but also in terms of their mentality. Like humans, they are quick to act, determined, bold, and adaptable. This trait is especially useful since half-orcs are often outsiders and have to survive in unwelcoming or unfamiliar environments.   However, half-orcs inherite some of the less desirable traits from their orcish heritage, which make others uncomfortable around them. They lack patience for formalities and are outspoken about their opinions. This behavior, coupled with their love of physical pleasures such as feasting and dancing, often leads to them being viewed as uncivilized savages. Although half-orcs are often impulsive and ill-tempered, these traits can also be beneficial in certain situations.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is said that half-orcs can see perfectly in the pitch black of underground caverns or the darkest nights, like a Drow. Whether this is true for some is unsure, although it is not a quality most half-orcs exhibited, who instead merely have an elf-like ability to see well in low-light conditions.

Civilization and Culture

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Half-orcs who live amongst orcs frequently adopt the tradition of ritual scarring. These scars are viewed as marks of pride by half-orcs, demonstrating their skill and bravery in battle. However, in some cases, orcs use scars to mark half-orc slaves in a manner similar to branding cattle.  


The religious practices of half-orcs vary depending on their upbringing. Half-orcs raised among orcs usually followed the orc pantheon, often with even more devotion than full-blooded orcs, as they sought to prove their worth. Conversely, half-orcs raised among humans typically worshipped other deities such as Kord, Ella'li, Menas, She'eros, Heimdall and Bahamut.


Half-orcs are a race without a true home for many centuries as they are mostly hybrids. This is not to say there weren't many places for orcs or states, khagnates or kingdoms that they fought annd fought. In Epeoris, the half-orcs are mostly part of the civilizations, in Rakion, they are still seen as outcasts, except maybe for the The Khagnate of Uglan, House Ugran and Murag Dominion. It should be noted that in the Chancellery of Rhovasil the half-orcs are seen as one of other civilians since they are Neo-Ordo Crusaders.The half-orcs are raised amongst either humans or orcs, either in urban environments or along the outskirts of civilization, acquiring many of the traits of their surroundings.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Most cultures subject half-orcs to prejudice. In their human ancestors' lands, they are typically viewed as savage thugs and looked down upon, forcing them into menial labor or violence as a career. As a result, some half-orcs choose to live as adventurers, either to gain wealth and power or to escape others' perceptions. In orc society, half-orcs are often seen as weaker and inferior, but their intellect and strength are usually acknowledged. It is not uncommon for a half-orc raised amongst orcs to rise to a position of power within their tribe.   Half-orcs often have poor relations with other races, in particular the Elves or Dwarves, due to mutual racial enmity. Halflings and Gnomes are also typically distrusting of half-orcs, although not to the degree of dwarves or Elves. Even among their human brethren, half-orcs are generally distrusted or feared.   Half-orcs react to this distrust in a number of ways. Some half-orcs fall into introverted behavior, trying to attract as little attention to themselves as possible in a manner paradoxical to the image of boisterous barbarian half-orcs typically evoke. Others try their hardest to do good unto others, whether out of sincere charity or simply a desire for approval and acceptance. Some half-orcs take neither approach, accepting who they are and instead will give others no choice but to accept them or leave.   The troubles that their heritage has brought them teaches most half-orcs to be mistrusting and suspicious. Some half-orcs have as much trouble forming bonds with others as other races have accepting them, making friends with great difficulty and losing them with much greater ease.
Generally, half-orcs have shorter lifespans than humans, reaching maturity by their sixteenth year and often dying before their sixtieth.
Average Height
5 feet and 9 inches to 6 feet and 4 inches (1.8 meters to 1.9 meters)
Average Weight
155​ to ​225 pounds (70.3​ to ​102 kilograms).
Average Physique
Half-orcs possess a strength that is not common among most humans, similar to that of orcs. They are not as resilient as their full-blooded counterparts, but generally more nimble and agile than most other humanoids. In addition, they have a unique fortitude that makes them appear even more determined to win when seriously injured, as though the wounds have granted them strength instead of weakening them. Furthermore, all half-orcs can focus their bestial rage into a potent attack, albeit for a limited duration. They can tire out and suffer physical exhaustion, like any mortal, as a battle raged on.   Half-orcs are also fleet-footed, often charging forward swiftly in a fit of anger. For some, the tension between their dual heritages becomes an integral part of their being. Others develop a thirst for combat that allows them to endure battles longer than most, making them both hardier and more lethal.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their appearance is characterized by grayish skin, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, a sloping forehead, and coarse body hair. Despite these features making them stand out from humans, their canines are not as large as a full-blooded orc's tusks. While humans may consider half-orcs to appear bestial, orcs see them as physically human-like. Half-orc hair is commonly black, though it grays quickly with age.


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