Agonis Character in Theras | World Anvil

Agonis (Ah-go-nis)

Agonis is a well known deity. Amongst the Agonasi it is believed that Agonis was once a human like Ervenius, and they both were there during the fall of the Menedynn disastrous attempt to take control of the Weave. He is the god of all who suffered, the oppressed and the perseucted. Agonis offers them many relief and support and endured the hardships with them, even taking their pain himself.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Agonis is a multi-faceted god with influence over a myriad of cultures; as such, there are almost as many symbols and sigils that relate to him. However, most of them share common features and only slightly vary from one to another. Said iconography revolves around three core concepts and their motifs:
  1. Suffering being a natural state of being that can be overcome, though never ended. Usually represented by an ouroborus.
  2. Acceptance of the suffering of others and the willingness to share their pain while trying to help them. This is represented in many different ways; according to Prasri traditions, the god's colors of bright white and dark red represent the healer's robes being stained by the wounded's blood.
  3. Both trefoils and quaterfoils, knotted or otherwise, are highly favored by Agonasis, and can be seen decorating places of worship or worn as jewlery.

Clergy, Temples and Worshippers

Temples and shrines to Agonis are often manor houses, hospital fields, named after Agonasi siants. There is no single leader of a temple, isntead, there is a collection of senior clergy meeting on occasion to make decisions. Usually a temple has an abbey or a monastery affiliated with it or contained within it.   The worshipers of Agonis are sometimes perceived as masochists, intentionally suffering, but in essence, they take alot of effortt on providing treatment to all those who are under afflications, curses, and heal those who have been hurt. They put others ahead of themselves, are sharing and emphasize the spiritual nature of life over the gross material body. They are usually the most caring and sensetive beings  

Affiliated Orders

Agonis has many monestaries and devoted monastic orders. However, he also holds a more knightly orders, some of them in The Bafigron Empire and Grand Duchy of Albiril. Agonis also have the most hospitals around his areas of influence and in almost every calmity, battlefield, their monks and clerics set up a hospital.  However the biggest hospital lies in the Bafigorn Empire, called "The Hospital of Saint Ramish".

Tenets of Faith

  • Compassion knows no bounds. Offer solace and support to all who suffer, regardless of their background or deeds.
  • True nobility lies in bearing the pain of others alongside them. When you share their hardship, whispering Agonis' name, they will not walk this path alone.
  • In the pursuit of a just cause, never waver. Face danger, pain, and even death with unwavering focus, for a meaningful sacrifice is no act of cowardice.
  • Punish those who torture and inflict ailments upon others.
  • Stand as a bulwark against oppression. Challenge injustice with unwavering courage, allowing no cruelty to go unchecked.
  • Cultivate the strength of the spirit above the allure of the material world. Strive for inner fortitude and transcend the limitations of physical existence.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agonis appears as a severely injured man wearing nothing but a breechcloth. Said injuries mostly include broken bones, lacerations, deep gashes, and burn marks. To the malicious he appears as the embodiment of pain, as they see themselves in this appearence: bruised, mutilated, broken. To the suffering, he appears as a kind and gentle man, with a bald head.   Even when in physical, tangible form, his avatar carries those injuries. Regardless of how much treatment and healing is given to the avatar, terrible marks of torture will always remain.   With this unnerving and potentially frightening appearance, Agonis is known to address those who see him, which could also be small children, with a calming tone and a soothing voice. He does his best to reassure them, and all young creatures, that the Eye Ever Watchful over the Suffering cares deeply for them, and any who abuse them, will suffer his wrath, be they thugs or illnesses.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is said that Agonis, was murdered along time ago and he was a great servant of Ervenius and he suffered a great deal for their purpose of reparing the Weave. Speculation say that he died in battle with Rushlan. Agonis, was the incrancation of compassion, holding all above his own good and he suffered alot for the sake of humanity. In the early years of his divinity, he fought many evil gods and helped facilitate the assimilation of the Draconic Pantheon inside the Narsilian Pantheon, in order for humanity to prosper, much to the disdain of other Menedynn deities. In the gods war against Tiamat, he teamed up with Bahamut and together they destroyed Bane, however their efffort was futile as Tiamat kept Bane alive and turned him into an Aspect of her.  This act earned him the ever lasting enmity of Tiamat and her servants. After the act of Ervenius in establishing the divine gate, Agonis took maimed Ervenius into his care and fostering him until he could recover from his righteous acts. Then, Ervenius  became a servant of the enduring god.


Contacts & Relations

He is the right hand of Tamara and the as such he even created an alliance with Lendys and the Heimdall, the watcher and together they fight and safeguard the god of all civilizations.   He is also focusing on opposing the deities that spread disease and destruction.
Healer of all Ailments;
The Comforting God;
Embracer of the Broken;
Watcher over The Suffering;
Ever-Enduring One;
Scarred Saint;
Saint of Scars;
True Friend;
Divine Classification
Intermediate Power
Neutral Good
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Home Plane
Subservient Deities
Endurance, Healing, Life, Martyrdom, Perseverance, Suffering
Community (Cooperation), Good (Agathion, Friendship, Redemption), Healing, Liberation (Freedom), Protection
The Lame; The Sick; The Oppressed; The Impoverished; The Handicapped; Slaves; Monks; Paladins
Worshipper's Alignments

Favored Weapon
"His Caressing Hand" (Unarmed Strike)
Holy Days


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