Schlomeer Vehicle in Theras | World Anvil


Schlomeer, better known as Schloss des Meeres in Arasilian and castrum maris in Bafigronish and in the Common tongue: Castle of the Sea.   While it truly lives up to its name. With multiple masts resembling towering turrets, it resembles a small fortress on the water. Skilled archers and mariners stand ready to defend its "walls". In addition, the vessel itself sometimes carry siege weapons, including catapults for bombardments, or [tooltip:Which are balanced, almost magically or by the materials themselves]balistas[tooltip].   Despite its imposing appearance, the Schlomeer is surprisingly agile and capable of swift maneuvers in battle. It stands as a floating tribute to the maritime legacy of the Narsilian, making it an ideal choice for extensive exploratory voyages.   This ship was a combined effort of many engineers from Kingdom of Arasil and The Bafigron Empire utilizing a peace treaty between the two powers in The Accord of Consolidation.   Those ships
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