Scrolls of Narvil Document in Theras | World Anvil

Scrolls of Narvil

Those Scrolls tell a heretical story of how, after forging the world, the gods, and the dwarves, the Creator became weary and slept. Some of the lesser gods, jealous of his skill, bound him as he rested, then heated up the Great Forge of the Creator to make races in their own likenesses: humans, for example, and elves. Then they begun arguing over what part of the world would be given to which race; their clamor awoke the Creator, but the lesser gods laughed at him and refused to set him free. However, the lesser gods did not know how to control the Great Forge, and great gobules of molten stone fell from the Forge toward the Theras; the Creator breathed on them from his place of bondage, giving life to the fragments and thus creating the first dragons.   Those scrolls have a section dedicated to refuting all the statements of Ashmedain Disciplines in philosophical manner, rather than historical as it tries to contradict all the knowledge there.


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