Siege of Madithamna Military Conflict in Theras | World Anvil

Siege of Madithamna

The Siege of Madithamna was a siege layed on the royal capital of Madithamna by the Might of the Holy Pact, assisted by House Rhanil, during the Kadian Invasion of Rakion. The siege ended in a Divine Inferno known as The Skyfire Conflagration, which completely destoryed the city, its inhabitants, garrison, and many refugees that sought shelter behing its fortified walls.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
2nd of Lizizil
Ending Date
27th of Bazingadil
Conflict Result
Utter destruction of the city;
Over 1,000,000 dead;
Kadian forces establish a foothold.


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